I need some cheeseballs

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I awoke to screaming. I was on my feet, my hands in fists before I even realised. I glanced at Theo and Jamie, and saw he was comforting her. "Nightmare" he mouths, and within seconds, Jamie is asleep on his lap again. I move from my corner of the shack to sit next to him. The boards creak and I jump, not being used to those kind of sounds. 'Jeeze' I mutter 'that's freaky' I stroke my dirty blonde hair and pull it up into a bun on top of my head, and tie it with the hair tie on my wrist. My stomach makes funny popping noises and Theo looks at me funny 'I need some cheeseballs' I whine, digging through my bag, to my utter disappointment, not finding any cheeseballs. I pout. Theo laughs at me and says 'well, I guess I know where we'll go next' he holds his hands out dramatically and I finish his sentence 'the dairy' and we burst into uncontrollable giggles. 'any way, what was jam's nightmare that made her scream?' A dark look crossed Theo's face 'Todd, and she is scared as she should be' then I got lost in thought, Todd, Jamie's father, me and Theo's stepfather, one of the reasons we are running away. Our mother, Stephanie, died in Jamie's child birth, therefore Todd holds Jamie guilty and the entire reason she died. Which none of us believe. He whipped us, insulted us and basically made us his personal slaves. He claimed we were homeschooled, when the truth is that when Jamie reached 5 (which meant I was 9 and Theo was around 12) we were pulled out of school and turned into slaves. nice person. 'and....' Theo began again 'TBHHL, coming for her' even at the mention of the name I shiver. TBHHL stands for Testing Blood Helping Humans Live. yeah right. and I'm Taylor Swift. These people need our blood, for some reason which is blue. just don't ask. Once they'd got a drop of our blood and tests had shown that apparently we can change appearance at will. ha yeah. must take a lot of will. believe me, I've willed. 'Sleep... I'll keep watch' Theo mutters, I nod in agreement and sleep takes me.
My sleep is rudely interrupted by Jamie squealing with laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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