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1. Jangan ngeburu-buru gw buat update.

2. Jangan nanya kapan update next chapter.

3. Jangan komen seperti "Gw cuma mau cerita tentang TinCan" atau "Kapan nulis tentang KlaNo lagi" atau yang sejenisnya.

4. Jangan ngedikte gw tentang plot or ending cerita di FF gw, kecuali gw minta pendapat kalian.

5. Jangan protes tentang karakter yang mungkin berbeda dengan novel asli atau seriesnya. Kalau ingin yang sama persis, silahkan baca novelnya aja.

6. Gw akan update saat cerita sudah siap. Real life gw hectic banget. Bisa nyempetin nulis aja udah untung banget, jadi tolong jangan jadikan hobby ini menjadi beban gw.

Kenapa gw terkesan sombong & galak kayak gini? Karena itu adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang gw terima selama hampir 2,5 tahun gw nulis di Wattpad. Padahal gw udah nulis berpuluh-puluh kali soal itu, tapi masih ada aja yang komen begitu. Dan itu selalu sukses ngebikin mood gw ancur. So sorry (to not sorry), kalau ada lagi yang begitu, gw akan langsung BLOCK. Dan gw akan senang hati kalau ada yang mau bantu nginfoin komen-komen itu ke gw.

Last note : Silahkan kalau mau unfollow akun or FF gw

Last note : Silahkan kalau mau unfollow akun or FF gw

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1. Don't rush me for an update.

2. Do not ask when to update the next chapter.

3. Don't comment like → "I just want TinCan" or "When u will write about KlaNo again" or something like that.

4. Don't dictate my plot or ending of the story of my FF, unless I ask for your opinion.

5. Don't protest about characters that might be different from the original novel or series. If you want the exact same, please read the original novel.

6. I will update when the story is ready. My real life is really hectic. Being able to write is already very fortunate for me, so please don't make this hobby of mine became a burden on me.

Why do I seem arrogant & fierce like this? Because those are the questions I received for almost 2.5 years I wrote on Wattpad. Even though I've written dozens of times about that, but there are still those who leave comments like that. And it always succeeds in making my mood drop. So sorry (to not sorry), if there are more like that, I will immediately BLOCK. And I will be happy if anyone wants to help if saw some kind of comments to me.

Last Note : Feel free to unfollow my Account or my Books

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