Callie's Backstory

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Callulla Runnels had gone by many names in the past, such as "Sycho Sid's Progidy" and "The Authority's Golden Girl", however, her start wasn't in WWE, it was actually in TNA.

Callulla Runnels first started in TNA as a valet to the Beautiful People. While the Knockouts didn't necessarily treat her as one of their own, they still kept her around as a bodyguard. However, Callulla too was under the same spell as Angelina Love was from Winter, and attacked Velvet Sky from behind during Love and Sky's match against Sarita and Rosita on April 7th.

Later on, Callie would be able to break out of Winter's spell and attack Love and Winter with the help of Tara. It ended up leading to a tag match between the two that saw the match being Callie's last televised match in TNA.

She joined WWE in December of 2011 and beat Beth Phoenix for the title, only to lose it to Nikki Bella, in April of 2012. However after the match, she a malicious assault on Nikki Bella with a kendo stick and every female that beat her afterwards, earning her the nickname of "Sycho Sid's Progidy"

Towards the end of 2013, she had beaten AJ Lee for the title. When AJ was backstage talking to the Batista twins, Callie had blindsided her with a Kendo stick, saying that she was bringing the title back to the Authority. And that's when she first saw Jessica. She had wanted Jessica as hers for a long time and even had helped Jessica in her matches for her to agree to be hers. But, she did not and Callie lost the title to Paige in 2014.

Callie knew that the only thing that was stopping Jessica from being hers was her twin, Jasmine. So, the night Batista left, she, along with Stephanie, had put the twins in very unfair matches, and even up against each other, in hopes of Jessica leaving her twin. But, her plan backfired when not only Jasmine, but Jessica left in 2014 due to injuries and showed up in UWA 2 years later. So, UWA was Callie's next target.

On June 23rd 2016, Callie faced Jasmine in the UWA Women's Championship tournament, and lost after she kissed Jessica when she came running out. Later on during the night, Callie asked Jessica out, to which she said yes, and they have been together ever since, despite Jasmine's rebuttal.

2 days later, before Jasmine's semi final match against Shinny Gun, Jessica had told Jasmine that Callie has an idea for how to beat her. Being a little hesitant at first, she goes to Callie, and Callie says to kiss Shinny. At first, Jasmine and her get into a verbal argument and Jessica had to break em apart before anything happened. However, Jasmine took Callie's advice and was able to beat her. Jasmine warmed up to Callie a little bit, but not all the way.

The night after Heatwave, Jessica was beaten down after a match against Katrina Love and Callie chased Love backstage and attacked her. The next night, she attacked Katrina Love before the match and even continued backstage, right before Jasmine got involved and got knocked out. That same night, Callie went to the hospital to check on Jasmine. Jasmine tried to get up and away from Callie, but Callie sat her back down and convinced her to stay while they checked her out. From there on out, she started to trust Callie more, which led to them and Jessica hugging like we saw in the promo for July's Demise.

The night before July's Demise, Katrina interferes in a match between the twins and Skyler and Diana. She helped Jasmine beat down Katrina when they came to the back.

Callie and Jessica got married on Valentine's Day of 2016. She stayed with the company until it's closing in February of 2019.

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