Capitulo 56

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-Narra Cam-

Estaba saliendo de grabar una de mis nuevas canciones cuando me encuentro con Demi

Cam-Hey Demi! como estas?

Demi-Hola Cam, bien y tu?

Cam-Bien bien

Demi-Escuche tu nueva canción es muy buena


Demi-Como estas preparando te para lo que se viene?

Cam-Bien, no tengo miedo, y menos si los tengo a ustedes a mi lado,son mi gran equipo, entre ellos tu


Cam-Vamos Demi no te hagas, siempre tuvimos una conexión especial tu y yo, eres como una mentora para mi, y te agradezco por todo, por toda la confianza que has depositado en mi, de veras te lo agradezco

Demi-No hay de que Cam, siempre estaré contigo

Cam-Gracias-nos abrazamos, bueno debo ir a grabar un nuevo vídeo




Come on!

You and me are meant to be
like a brand new board and the awesomest wave
Thing is honey, I'm your need for every chillin' in
tryin' to catch some waves
Without you I'll sing the blues
said a rock rock rock rock rock and roll
So I'm hopin' you'll miss me too
and your down to do whatever since I rode the moon

March to the beat
I march to the beat gonna do my thang
March to the beat
I march to the beat gonna do my thang
C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free,
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me
C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me!
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me, I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!

Like you I'm original, tryin' to move this world from where it's at
You're laid back and I get stressed
Yeah whenever we're together, we're more than that
My motto's seize the day and night, and yours is let's go with the flow
That's no reason to say goodbye, now if you're fast enough for a girl on the go!

March to the beat
I march to the beat gonna do my thang
March to the beat
I march to the beat gonna do my thang
C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta be me!
C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me!
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!

March to the beat
I march to the beat gotta do my thang
March to the beat
I march to the beat gotta do my thang
C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me
I gotta be, gotta be gotta be me!

C'mon and feel this beat cause I gotta be me
You let 'em move those feet and they'll set you free
C'mon you need to see that I gotta be me
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!
(ba da da dum dum de de bang bang)
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!
(ba da da dum dum de de bang bang)
I gotta be, gotta be, gotta gotta be me!
(ba da da dum dum de de bang bang)

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