PROLOGUE - Rock Bottom

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(Based on a true story)

Three days. Three days without sleep. Three days without food. Three days on the run. Not sure how much more I can take. No way out. There's no...way...out.

I can't remember when I could feel my feet. Need to keep moving. Can't sit down for too long or they start getting close. My back is on fire. Gotta keep moving.

"Is there a problem?" -- His accent was thick.

"You know what the problem is. Why don't you do something about it?" I snapped back.

"Come with me". We did this dance before. This time felt different.

We walked over to the other guards. But I'm not focused on the guards. I'm counting how many of them there are. Sizing them up. At least 10. Maybe 20. Hard to tell. They all look the same. All just waiting for me to walk out outside or get out of sight of the cameras. Waiting for their chance.

The guard is talking to someone on the radio. I only understand a few words but it's not sounding good.

"What are they doing?" I asked

"Negotiating," was the response.

"Negotiating what?!"

He ignored me. I started listening closer to the conversation over the radio. I couldn't hear the question but I did hear the responses.

One after another. 'Yes'. I say 'yes'. I also say 'yes'. Then a long pause. The last voice came out as an order "No more guards".

I looked around in a daze. Taking in the scene. Trying to remember every detail.

This is where I'm going to die.  

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