First Impressions

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Draco's POV
I was busy working in my office as usual when suddenly I found an old journal I kept during my second year of hogwarts "blimey how did this get here" I said as I looked at it even though I haven't written in it since then but I started reading it and found a short poem about granger when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Come in I said as I put the journal down

Harry walked in carrying a huge stack of papers and put them down on my desk. "Well Malfoy here's a stack of papers"

Thanks potter I said as I hid the journal in one of the drawers. Hey potter there's one thing I need to ask you I said

What is it Malfoy said Harry as he started putting the finished papers in an empty box

Do you think granger likes me? I asked as I sat down on the desk

Well I don't know malfoy you were kind of mean to her during second year said Harry

I know I said but I've changed over the years and I really need to know her very well unlike you and Weasley who's been friends with her for years

Harry tried to think of an answer to Draco's question but couldn't think of one you know malfoy all you gotta do is think of a way to impress Hermione

Blimey I never really thought of that but I will I said as I continued working on the papers and signed them as Harry left the office

Hermione's POV
I was in the lunch room grabbing some food when I noticed Ron stuffing his face "honestly Ronald do you ever stop eating I said raising an eyebrow.

What I'm hungry said Ron as he continued to stuff his face as usual then Harry walked in the lunch room

Hello Harry I said as I went up to grab more food

Hello Hermione said Harry as he noticed her grab some more food I bumped into Draco earlier in his office

Why I asked raising my eyebrow As I sat down
Look Harry I know it's been years since the battle of hogwarts but.....

But what hermione asked Harry witb a concerned tone

Never mind I said as I started eating I felt something between Draco and I during our fourth year and I never gotten over the fact that we both liked each other even though he never told me that he liked me. I would sometimes think that he did

Meanwhile back in Draco's office
I kept on reading the poem and thought to myself does granger really like me I said as I started pacing back and forth around my office when I heard Blaise and pansy talking outside and I just completely ignored them. "Come on malfoy you've hated her for seven years and you're starting to have feelings for her I thought to myself as I continued pacing back and forth

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