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Von began to highlight the first words in each sentence until he had the proof he needed.

'Hey, we haven't spoken in a long time, you should
Come! the word house is different then the word home right?  feeling awkward reading this? Am
I right? Its my fault that everyone lost contact. If  I
have had made us to stay together like always...
a apple, Elijahs favourite do you remember I had a plan to write this letter I wanted to let you know that I came to visit you but you seem to have a plan.... It's up to you... oh dear buddy.

Von stared more at the letter, he knew there was more to the letter then just for him to come home. He read the last word over and over again until he's eyes traveled "it's up to you..."

Von closed he's eyes as he rocked he's body forward and back trying he's best to remember all the main parts to the code him and Mekhail would frequently make.

"Von, the main reason for the codes we give will be on the second line towards the end. Don't you forget that buddy!" I grinned as I stared at Mekhail, "Yes, yes I won't Mekhail."

Von opened he's eyes as he's eyes trailed to the second sentence towards the end, "something regarding Elijah,"

Von clicked he's tongue and smiled the memories rushing back, all those times him and Mekhail would sit and make codes.

Placing the code he deciphered together it said "Hey, come home. I have a plan but that plan it's up to you... something regarding Elijah"

Elijah got up and screamed out loudly the rage evident in he's eyes as he lifted the book he had previously written on and flinged it colliding harshly with the wall causing the photograph to fall.

He sat on the bed clutching the hair on he's head.

Hours had passed and Von remained on the bed, as the clock kept ticking he knew he had to get up and leave, he stood up reluctantly as he walked over to the wall were the photograph rested, he grabbed the notebook and he's suitcase, making he's way downstairs and towards he's car driving to the airport.

As Von had entered the airplane he noticed Amos standing up like an idiot with one hand in the air moving it left to right. Von slightly shook he's head as he let out a sigh. Walking towards Amos as he slightly nodded he's head as a greeting. As Von and Amos had taken their seat on the airplane they had discussed all the information regarding the case. It had been ten minutes since neither Amos or Von had spoken, leaving Amos in the depth of curiosity.

Without thinking twice he spoke "When I came to your office the other week, you were in a town Demerol, apparently attending a funeral. Am I wrong?"

Von froze as he turned to he's left staring right at Amos, thoughts such as 'should I tell him about what happened last night, with the email and Mekhail?' after debating for a good ten minutes he choose to tell Amos. "you know you shouldn't be prying in peoples personal business but since you have already started I'll tell you whats been on my mind "

Amos swallowed the salvia that had formed on the inside of he's mouth as he hesitantly nodded.

"Well last night I woke up and read the first and last letter I ever received from my friend back in that town Demerol. He is the same friend that died, the same friend that committed suicide and that same friend that I had gone to attend the funeral of-" Von went on to say,

"As kids we would always make up codes and last night I thought to myself, Mekhail hates writing long letters... I then thought what if it was a code I had to decipher? The only times he would write paragraphs was if it were a code, so for hours I tried to decrypt it,"

Von took out the book from he's small backpack and opened the page to where he had written the letter. The page was evident of many writings, scribbles and crosses. Von forwarded the opened page towards Amos. Amos stared at it for a while before grabbing it off of Von and stared at it a little more before reading the sentence at the bottom of the page that was circled countless times in a harsh manner.

Amos hesitantly and confusingly read out "Hey, come home. I have a plan but it's up to you... something regarding Elijah"

Amos frowned as he turned to look at Von, "whose Elijah?"

"He's a mate of mine and Mekhail who went missing as a child and who still hasn't been found," Von replied suddenly feeling cold.

Amos nodded and spoke out "So what Mekhail is... I mean was trying to say was that he wanted to meet up with you before he committed suicide to tell you something about Elijah? Does that mean maybe he knew were Elijah was for the past years?"

Von thought for a minute and shook he's head "No, I don't think Mekhail was that type of person. He was the sane one, if he knew something about Elijah he would have told us."

Amos replied back without thinking twice "Well maybe he had some sort of communication with Elijah? And that was killing him inside because he saw the people around him suffer as he knew the whole truth? Or maybe he knew that Elijah's dead and he had some sort of evidence?"

Von hastily shook he's head and clenched he's fists tightly "Elijah isn't dead ok, I know he's alive,"

Amos eyes softened as he in took a breath.

"Ok let's go back to the topic of Mekhail before he died... did he meet up with anyone?"

Von nodded and said "Apparently he meet up with my childhood friends two days after he sent me that email at midnight,"

Un-Subconsciously Amos nodded he's head making theories up, until one of those remained in he's mind, after debating he finally spoke he's mind out "Well what if he isn't really dead?"

Von frowned as he said "well then how would you explain that?"

Amos clicked he's tongue as he said "well he met he's friends a couple of days before 'committing suicide' and at midnight, which meant he wanted to keep it in the low. What if he just left and people assumed he died or committed suicide?"

Von had stared at Amos as he spoke "Alright lets assume that yes he didn't die, then the body? The blood? How do you explain that? And that letter I received?"

Amos gazed at him as he spoke out gently showing how dead set he was to find an answer to it, "Who went in he's room?"

Labi flashed in Von's mind "Labi did, a childhood friend of ours who met up with Mekhail days before he's suicide,"


Von felt someone shaking he's shoulder slightly and whispering out he's name

As Von opened he's eyes and adjusted it to the light he saw that the one that was shaking he's shoulder was no one other than Amos.

Groaning out he stood up and grabbed he's backpack and he asked "Did we already arrive?"

"Yes lazy, we have. Let's go look for evidence but after we go and rest up,"

Letting out another groan Von walked slowly as Amos laughed out "Oh come on scardy cat,"

Von stumbled on he's own feet as a memory had chosen to strike,

"I heard from the elders that it's getting dangerous should we go in groups?" I asked hesitantly


Thank you for reading <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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