Ch 1 Escape

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Thier where Sirens everywhere and flashing lights. All the scientist we're panicking and running.

I didn't know what was happening

There were more loud noises

And much more hitting my sensitive ears.

Once there's less humans in the hallway and the noises died down, I took my chance and just started to run. I didn't know where I was or how to get out.

I ran down the halls, managing not to get stepped on, because I came across an exit. Though it was more of a giant hole in the side of the building.

There are many humans around most in weird clothing. The most noticeable one was a male, very tall and with yellow hair that had two sections  up, seamingly to defy gravity. He had two piercing blue irises with black sclera.

The humans with the weird clothing were capturing the scientists. Fixed in curiosity,  I stood there watching them until one noticed to me. A black haired male that had all black on and a gray fabric around his neck. He walked towards me but didnt signal the others he was with.

My body stiffened ready to run at any point if he got two close. The Male crouched down about 4 feet from me and stretched out his hand.

"Hey kitty come here" He said calmly with a tired tone in his voice. Giving in to the desire to be pet I moved closer and rubbed my head into his hand. I purr as he pets me.

☆~Aizawa POV~☆

Everyone begin to start wrapping up everything. I dont get why they needed me here I could be sleeping right now.

I look to my left and in one of the holes in the building thier was a black cat. It just sat thier and observed us.

I walked away from everyone else, towards the cat now being able to see it's unnatural purple eyes. It didn't runaway but it wasn't trusting me either. I stuck my hand out and called the cat over, surprisingly it obeyed and allowed me to pet it.

"Eraser, did you find something?" A voiced called out making me stand up and turn around. I shake my head no and look back to see that the cat was gone.

Aizawa is daddy
• _• 

Kuwa (cat reader x bnha) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now