"Thank you."

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-Summer After 5th Year-

Harry awoke early for some reason that July morning, so he decided to go to the Burrows kitchen and get himself a cup of coffee, and assuming nobody was already down there, he went down in his PJs.

He was sorely mistaken, because Hermione was already in the kitchen, starting a cup of coffee.

"Morning sleepy head." She said, eyeing Harrys grey shirt and sweatpants. "Want a cup?"

Harry, thoroughly embarrassed by his attire nodded. He felt his cheeks flush the color of Hermiones pink tee shirt.

Hermione poured enough mix for another cup and put it in the pot, she attempted to make conversation while they were waiting.

"Why you up so early?" She asked.

Harry scratched the back of his head and answered. "I dunno. Couldn't go back to sleep, I was having nightmares. You?" Harry felt his heart heat up a bit, just talking to Hermione.

"Nightmares." She replied. Harry could spot a few loose tears in her eyes and watched them roll down her face.

"Hey, are you ok?" He strided over to her and wiped the tear drops off her face, his hands lingered for a second before falling to his side and into his sweatpants pockets.

"I'm fine..." She said but Harry thought she didn't sound so sure of herself.

"Don't lie to me," Harry spoke.

Hermione looked up, astonished. In a weak voice, she replied: "You're right. The nightmares were just so awful." A few more tears appeared in her eyes as she recalled them.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry offered. He didn't like seeing Hermione like this.

She thought for a moment before saying: "Not now." Crossing her arms across her pink shirt, she looked down at her slip-on vans.

"Tell me when you are, because I'm here for you." Harry couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. Of course, he loved Hermione and would always be there for her, but he never dared say it out loud.

She nodded and fiddled with her skirt.

They stood there for a few more moments, tears falling down Hermiones pearly face and Harry not being able to stand to see her cry.

Harry took his arms out of his pockets and opened them for Hermione.

Hermione rushed, quite fast into Harry, her arms wrapped around his waist and his around her shoulders.

Harry felt his shirt slowly grow more wet with her tears but tried his best to ignore that.

"It's ok," He soothed. "You're ok. I'm here." They stood like that for a long time, Hermiones sobs subsided and she was left hanging onto Harry.

The coffee maker beeped and Hermione let go of Harry.

"Maybe a cup of coffee will help." She murmured.

Harry nodded and pulled two mugs out of the cabinet and handed them to Hermione. When she took them, her hands brushed over his and he felt a shiver go up his spine. Why did he feel that way?

After taking a few sips of coffee, Harry looked back at Hermione, whos eyes were filled with tears. He hated seeing her like this, all he wanted to do was hug her and tell her that everything was going to be ok.

Suddenly, a shattering noise pulled Harry from his thoughts.

Harry, panicked, looked around and saw pieces of the Weasleys mug on the kitchen linoleum.

Hermione was staring intently at something and she began to hyperventilate.

Harry put down his mug and tried to see what she was seeing.

But he saw nothing.

"NO! DON'T! Please don't take them from me, please!" Hermione begged but Harry couldn't see who she was begging to.

"Hermione! There's nobody there!" But it seemed as though she couldn't hear him, because next thing Harry knew, she was screaming.

"NO! PLEASE NO!" She yelled.

Harry, in an attempt to muffle her screams and calm her down, wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

"Hermione, calm down!" He said but nothing happened. "Hermione! Snap out of it!"

But she wouldn't, she continued to scream and Harry didn't know what to do.

He took her face in his hands and looked her dead in the eye, though he thought she wasn't looking back because her eyes looked like she was somewhere else.

"Hermione, come back!" Harry could feel tears down his cheeks, he didn't want Hermione to be in pain. It broke his heart to see her like that. "I'm here! It's Harry!"

Now she saw him, but it looked like she couldn't unsee what had happened before, because she said: "No, you're dead!"

Harry gave her a confused look.

"He-he, killed you!" She stammered. "It's a miracle!"

"Hermione I wasn't dead!" Harry insisted.

Hermione began to cry again, like she had just minutes before.

"Hermione," He murmured into her ear. "You're alright, I'm fine. We're here."

Harry once more wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close to him.

After at least an hour of silence, other than Harry telling her that it was alright, she came to her senses.

"See," Was her first word. "Nightmares."

Harry looked her in the eye. "Hermione that was awful, I-can't even explain. I don't like seeing you like that..."

"I need to talk to someone Harry, this has gotten out of hand." She said into his shirt.

"I'm here for you, we'll get though this."

"Thank you." She said into his chest. "Thank you."

i'm here for you - harmioneWhere stories live. Discover now