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-August 29th-

Three days before the trio went back to school, and the departure measures were being taken.

"Laundry! Laundry! Ginny did you do your laundry?" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

"Yes mum, I'm all packed!"

"Good! Where's Ron? Ronald?" Mrs. Weasley marched up the stairs to wake Ron up, it was noon and he went to bed at 3am.

Harry, Hermione and Ginny all sat around the lunch table.

"So, you guys excited to go back?" Ginny asked.

Harry nodded. "I'm helping Dumbledore look for horcruxes, to help take down yee-who-must-not-be-named."

"Harry it's he not yee!"

Harry scoffed. "Sure it is."

"I can't wait to go back and see my friends. Mums kept me here all summer." Ginny exclaimed.

Hermione laughed. "I'm surprised the death eaters haven't found us here yet."

"That's because mum and dad put up a bunch of defensive spells over the house when you came."

"They shouldn't've had to do that." Hermione mumbled.

Harry laughed. "Hermione it's ok. We're safe and that's all that matters." He put an arm around Hermiones shoulders and kissed her forehead.

Harrys panic attacks and flashbacks had only gotten worse. Apparently seeing your godfather die before your eyes isn't the most pleasant experience.

Hermione had begun to have flashbacks as well, to what had happened early in 5th year, and to the night they had to leave. Not continuing therapy in the summer was not the best decision. But she didn't want to bother Harry about it. When they happened, she didn't gasp, or make any noise.

She just lay there in the bed. She wanted Harry to know, but she thought he'd be too busy with the horcruxes at school. Besides, she'd have therapy at school. That helped last time.


-That night-

Falling asleep was basically succumbing to the nightmares. Hermione had fallen asleep hours ago, now woken up to a nightmare.

She stayed still, shut her eyes, and prayed it'd go away. But just as this one passed, another began.

"FIRE!" She could hear Ginny's voice from a story down.

Hermione rushed to the window. She saw death eater, many, standing outside, surrounding the burrow in fire.

"Harry, wake up." Hermione said.

He groggily sat up. "What's going on?"

"They found us. They're going to set the burrow on fire!"

"Hermione, we need to apparate."

"No Harry, you do. They can take me."

"WHAT? That's preposterous! NO! I need you!"

Hermione faced Harry. "This is the only way. They take me, they'll release me when they know that you're not coming to save me."

Harrys eyes saddened, but he understood. "Ok. I love you."

He stood up and kissed her. Passion and love filled their kiss and when they parted, Hermione immediately longed for him.

His face was burnt into her mind forever.

The rest of the night was a blur. She stood in front of the death eaters, offered herself much to Ms. Weasley and Ginny's disapproval, and they took the offer.

Hermione was apparated to manor.

In the room, sat Lucius and Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zambini, and Crabbe and Goyle.

Her nightmares just became a reality.


-The dungeon-

The dungeon wasn't a nice place, it was filthy with rats and other dead animals.

Hermiones hands were chained above her head and she was slouched against the wall.

It was dark except for one window.

The door would open, usually a house elf bringing her some water and bread. Just enough to keep her alive.

The dungeon door creaked open and Blaise Zambini entered. He shut the door behind him and flipped on the light switch.

"Hermione." He said, avoiding eye contact.

Hermione didn't respond. Instead she gave him a menacing glare.

He took one look at Hermione and abruptly looked away.

"Hermione, I know you know about Ginny and I."

She nodded. "You promised her you weren't a death eater."

"I'm not!" He whisper shouted. "Look, you and Harry guessed our plan perfectly. They'll discard you once they've realized that you are of no use. This is not a killing chamber manor. That's the Notts manor."

"So, you won't kill me."

He shook his head. "That's not to say that you're not in danger. Everyone and I mean everyone knows what Crabbe and Goyle did to you. Slytherin even banned them from the house. The dark lord himself was never banned.

"You see Hermione, they won't kill you. It's not to say they won't rape you. Harm you. They want information and they can tell when you're lying."

"Who's they?" Hermione asked.

Blaise sighed. "The adult and Crabbe and Goyle. Draco is a softy, he'd never hurt a girl. No offense."

"None taken."

"He'll be told to hurt you down here, he'll probably just sit down here, tell you to cry when he leaves. And then there's me. I won't. You and Ginny are too close and I couldn't bear stooping down to Crabbe and Goyle's level."

Hermione nodded. "Thank you."

"Stay strong Hermione, and we might just get through this alive."



Harry had cried for days without Hermione. He knew that she was somewhere out there he just couldn't see or reach her. His heart ached with wanting.

All he wanted to do was hold her and he couldn't even do that.

The horcrux search wasn't going so well. They had hit many dead ends.

The worst part was, he knew that Hermione was at Malfoy manor. Before Draco was pulled out of school, he'd managed to tell Harry. He said it might be months before she's released.

Knowing Hermione, she was probably planning to escape.

For now, all he had to do was wait.


-Malfoy Manor-

"Looks like the boy doesn't want to see you. What a shame, I thought he loved you." Bellatrix taunted.

'If only she knew.' Hermione thought. 'That tonight's the night it ends. I go home.'

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