PROLOGUE - Book Paperback

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All Right Ladies And Lads Here's The DEAL

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All Right Ladies And Lads Here's The DEAL. This Isn't My First Work And definitely not the Finest. I have tried to write it in a simple Language For You Guys To Enjoy. If this Book Gets Good Response I Will Try to Publish It!     And yeah I YouTube video given above is very important for this book so I Highly recommend all Of You to watch that video. Come On Read The Book!
It was the rain that made him think of the tale. The lash of it battered
the windows, stormed the rooftops and blew its bitter breath under the doors. Age sat heavily on him in the long, wet nights of autumn-and would sit heavier still, he knew, in the dark winter to come.

The children were gathered, huddled on the floor, squeezed by twos
and threes into chairs. Their faces were turned to his, expectant, for he‟d promised them a story to chase boredom from a stormy day.

He hadn‟t intended to give them this one, not yet, for some were so
young. And the tale was far from tender. But the rain whispered to him,
hissing the words he‟d yet to speak.
Even a storyteller, perhaps especially a storyteller, had to listen.

"I know a tale," he began, and several of the children squirmed in
anticipation. "It‟s one of courage and cowardice, of blood and death, and of
life. Of love and of loss."

"Are there monsters?" one of the youngest asked, with her blue eyes
wide with gleeful fear.

"There are always monsters," the old man replied. "Just as there are
always men who will join them, and men who will fight them."

"And women!" one of the older girls called out, and made him smile.

"And women. Brave and true, devious and deadly. I have known both
in my time. Now, this tale I tell you is from long ago. It has many
beginnings, but only one end."

As the wind howled, the old man picked up his tea to wet his throat.
The fire crackled, shot light across his face in a wash like gilded blood.

"This is one beginning. In the last days of high summer, with lightning
striking blue in a black sky, the sorcerer stood on a high cliff overlooking the raging sea."

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