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(3rd Pov)

After their arrival, few of the soldiers, including one of the commanders have gathered around Jaune along with the newcomer Faux Laranje, while the rest of the soldiers are treating Faux's wounded allies. Jaune just finished explaining what happened. Then, Colonel Burton, a heavily built man with a machinegun on his back asked Jaune

Burton; Lemme get this straight General, you came from this world, then got to Earth then aged there, and then we somehow got here to your old home with you being 10 years younger?

Jaune; That's correct

Red Guard; I still find it very confusing sir

Jaune; All of us are confused soldier. But that now out of the way, what's your story Faux?

Faux; Well, I guess this is the only way we can repay you for saving our lives

He settled down and started explaining

Faux; You came from this world right? And from what I can piece together, you dissappeared about 3 months ago but in the world you got sucked into was 10 years, right?

Jaune; That seems right

Faux; Well then, I supposed you have heard of the White Fang right?

Burton; The White Fang? The hell is that?

Jaune looked at the Colonel before saying

Jaune; The White Fang is a group of Faunus aiming for peace and equality but over the time they changed into a violent organization with the goal of being the superior specie

Red Guard; What's a faunus?

Jaune; They are basically like humans but with Animal-like features, but enough about that, back to the story Faux

Faux; We used to be a cell of the WF, but we realized that we're doing more bad than good, so we broke off and cut ties with them, however they didn't take this lightly and started attacking our settlements for weeks now, we managed to retreat but we suffered heavy casualties

Jaune; I see, I guess this is like the same situation as Kell

As if on que a man walked up to the crowd and headed for Jaune, he is wearing a robe with light body armor underneath it,he also has a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle slung on his back

Jarmen Kell; General, there are no threats surrounding us, and we suggest that we should build our base here, should I tell Lotus to unload the supplies and start the construction?

Jaune; Are you sure about this place being good? If you guys really think so, then i guess we can set up our base here, and from what I can tell from Faux, the White Fang is after them, so we might as well set up defenses now, it will only be a matter of time that they find them and attack

Jarmen; As you wish General

He leaves as he made his way towards a tent that serves as the Command center

Jaune; Alright, I don't know what has been happening while i was gone so I am giving you and your men a proposal, you can give us some Information and your allegiance to us in exchange for a place to stay and protection

Faux put his mechanical hand up his chin and started to think, he seemed skeptical but otherwise calm

Faux; How do we know you aren't lying? Its hard enough to believe that your entire army came from another world but allowing a former Terrorist group to join your ranks is a tad bit too far

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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