Chapter 11

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"So..." said Olivia as the two women walked through the woods, "You want an audience with Baba Yaga?"

"You've heard of her?" asked Elsa, trailing behind.

"I can get by on my knowledge. Legend has it she split up. All that's left of her is the Foundation of Power."

"And where is that, exactly?"

"Mount Aragorn," replied Olivia. "Tallest point of all of Valalisa."

Elsa paused. "Oh...I hadn't realized it would be so difficult to get to."

"Don't worry - we're not going to climb it," explained Olivia. "Easiest way to get there is by aircraft. But to get one we've got to travel to the nearest port town. Lucky for you that was my next stop anyway. We just have to find my boat."

The ground began to gradually slope downward; Elsa and Olivia carefully traveled down, holding onto firmly-rooted trees lest they lose their footing.

Eventually, a voice belonging to neither of them spoke up. "Where are we?"

"Who said that?" Olivia's head darted to and fro, trying to source the location of the voice.

"I did!" replied the voice. Olivia whipped around so she was facing Elsa, and for the first time she realized the pendant with the oddly-shaped jewel was looking at her and smiling. "Hello!"

"Aaah!" reacted Olivia. "What is that? Some kinda magical relic or something?"

"Oh, how rude of me - you two have never been properly introduced...."

Elsa brought both hands to her chest and used her magic on the pendant. Snowy flurries began to emanate from the pendant and travel from her chest to a mini-whirlwind leading to the ground. There, a snowman materialized in front of Oliva, causing her to fall backward onto the ground in shock.

"Holy smokes!" exclaimed Olivia. "What the heck is that thing?!"

"Olaf, I'd like you to meet my traveling companion, Olivia," said Elsa. "Olivia - Olaf, the talking snowman and a dear friend of mine and my sister."

"Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" As Olaf said this, he outstretched his stick hands. Olivia stood up and instinctively went into a defensive stance, balling her fists and igniting them into flames.

Olaf slowly lowered his hands. "Oh. No thank you. A hug from you looks like it might be painful."

"Elsa...." Olivia said quietly. "What the devil is that?"

"I told you, Olaf is our friend. I just want to give him some time to stretch his limbs. Relax, he's perfectly harmless." 

Olivia extinguished her fists. "Okay...." She turned around and continued to lead the way to their destination.

Eventually, they reached the foot of the slope. The ground leveled out again and the trees began to clear, revealing a rocky shoreline that led into a great lake. Several yards away was more forested land, but then there was a pathway out of the bay there were in, leading to more open water. Far, far, far into the horizon, the foreboding crests of a snow-capped mountain could be seen peeking through clouds.

"What a breathtaking sight..." said Elsa, in awe. "Is that...?"

"Yup, that there is old Mt. Aragorn, and here's Old Reliable," Olivia pointed to a rickety-looking boat attached to a small dock. "It's about a day's travel from here to the nearest port town by water."

Elsa's heart sank. "We're riding that?"

"Of course! Hasn't failed me yet. Worst-case we sink, I'm sure you'll think of something. You're the water master, aren't you?"

"Right...well, come along, Olaf," Elsa said.

"Wait," Olivia held her hand out signaling them to stop walking, then she pointed to Olaf. "You've got to put him back."

"What?" Elsa said.

"Aww...but I just got here!" whined Olaf.

"Hey!" snapped Olivia, catching them both off-guard. "Look -  I know your sheltered palace upbringing allowed you to live an uninformed life about magic, but out here, things are different. It's best to keep a low-profile with your abilities, and that thing is not low-profile. So get rid of it."

Elsa glared angrily at Olivia. "His name is Olaf."

Elsa then turned to Olaf and sighed. "I'm sorry. I have to put you back in the necklace for now, okay?" And she used her magic so that he disappeared and then reappeared as the jewel around her neck.

"That's better," said Olivia coolly. "Trust me, it's for the best. Now hop in."

Elsa boarded the boat. Olivia unfastened the rope that attached it to the dock, pulled out two pairs of oars, and handed one pair over to her boatmate. "Don't mope  - it wastes energy. You'll need to conserve yours for the amount of rowing you'll be doing."

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