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It was only when Minho woke up and his legs were stuck together with sweat that he truly knew it was summer.

It was a love hate relationship that he had with the warm. He loved the feeling of sun on his skin and the joy of spending days by the pool with his friends, but he despised the noise of his ceiling fan spinning recklessly as he laid sprawled out on his bed in hopes of escaping the heat.

It had been only a week since the first time he had spoken to his mystery boy in lavender, better known as jisung, of course.

Things had changed, and Minho was loving every ounce of it. He didn't walk to and from school alone anymore, jisung found the idea pointless when he was walking alone too, so mornings for Minho consisted of a quick freshen up and breakfast before walking side by side with jisung to school where he took noticeably slower steps just to make those moments last longer.

Things had changed, although he did still find himself peeking through his window to watch jisung take in his first bit of sunlight each morning.

It didn't take long for the rice cake shop to become part of his routine. The smell of strawberry and cinnamon that washed over him as he entered the doors grew more and more familiar as the days went on.

Words weren't a requirement anymore for a vanilla milkshake to be placed in front of him. It was his usual. He didn't even like vanilla milkshakes but he never planned on saying anything because he just liked having a "usual".

First period wouldn't know who they were if it tripped over them, the teachers didn't even bother to call their names out anymore.

Minho loved how easily he built each of his days around jisung, but it seeemed to bother his friends when he kept silent about his where abouts.

"Minho, we got assigned as partners for the history assignment, you can't keep ditching class or I'm going to be doing this whole thing on my own." Hyunjin whined.

"I'm sorry, but It's not my fault history always happens to be in the morning."

The other rolled his eyes. "It shouldn't matter when the class is Minho, you should be here! It was a doctors appointment yesterday and a dentist appointment last week, when are you just going to cut the shit and tell us what you're actually doing?"

The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"I already told you, I'm not lying, It just so happens that Mum booked all my appointments consecutively, okay? Damn get off my back."

He watched as the rest of his friends side eyed him, Changbin on the other hand just shook his head and laughed. He knew exactly what was going on.

"So!" A voice announced causing Minho to flinch as he walked out the gates of the school. "Did you want to come over this afternoon?"

He turned and smiled awkwardly at chan as the elder wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Sure, but i'll go home first."

"Why would you need to do that?"

Minho looked around trying to think of an excuse. "I did sport in this uniform today and want to change into something more comfortable."

Chan smiled. "Oh okay no worries then, my cars just there I can take you-"

"NO!" Minho cut him off. "I mean...ah... no thankyou. I like walking so I can go myself, besides I only live a few blocks away." The blonde didn't understand Minho's reasoning, but nodded his head nevertheless.

"I'll see you soon!" The younger finished off, patting his confused friends back and quickly scurrying in the other direction.

Only a few more steps led him to one of his favourite sights. Jisung stood lent against the brick of a wall, waiting patiently.

He would never get tired of it. The odd tingling sensation he felt when jisung lifted his gaze to him and the corner of his lips upturned.

They walked together as the sun hammered down on them. "Aren't you hot?" He couldn't help but question.

Why the hell was jisung always so covered up, he really thought that the summer heat would force the younger to venture outside of long sleeves and trousers.

"Not particularly." The blonde smiled back.

Deep down Minho didn't believe him, but he had no choice when jisung looked at him like that.

Minho didn't hate many things. However, recently the sight of the rose bush just a metre from him house was making its way onto his short but passionate list.

Don't get him wrong, roses were beautiful. But to him, it just signified where jisung and himself parted ways, and that was the first thing on this infamous list of his.

Minho sent jisung a peace sign as he pivoted on his heel and went towards his house, the younger however stayed in his place.

Minho noticed this and watched as his eyes switched frantically between his house and the fingers he was fiddling with.

A black van, the car that was parked in jisungs drive way, what a cliche car to be suspicious of he thought.

"Wait Minho." He finally spoke, the elder raising his eye brows expectatly.

"Are you free?"

Minho chuckled. "Well I usually charge about $15 an hour for my services, but I'm sure we could work something out."

"Oh shut up you loser, I mean do you have plans?"

Minho shrugged. "Not that I know of."

A weight visibly fell from jisungs shoulders. "Okay, well..."

"Wellllll??" Minho urged impatiently.

"do you know how to skate?"

Hey angles,
I hope you're all doing well and staying safe!!!

Why do you think jisung is avoiding home? And what's with the long sleeves in the hot weather?

See you next chapter xxx
RY <3

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