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"Yah, Mingyu, wake up man. Aren't you going to see the preliminaries?"



Mingyu sleepily tugged at his sheets and covered himself from head to toe, grumbling. It is SATURDAY! Mingyu does NOT work on weekends! not until noon anyway. He swatted the hand on his shoulder as if it was an annoying bug. Sungjae, his roommate rolled his eyes before taking his university jersey and wearing it in a hurry.

"I guess you are not coming then. I'm leaving the keys on the table, if you're going outside remember to take them with you. We don't want to get locked outside"

Mingyu let out a snore and mumbled more nonsense.

About five seconds after Sungjae left, the door reopened with a loud bang followed by a high pitched scream.



Seeing no response Seungkwan stormed towards the big lump on the bed and started to tug on the blanket yelling nonstop. Mingyu's limbs weighed like a ton. "He's fucking asleep!!! I knew it!! Seokmin don't just stand there like a useless pole and help me to get him on his feet!!"

"Sorry I don't support animal abuse" DK smiled making a peace sign.

Cursing aloud Seungkwan grabbed the closest limb he could find and dragged the mass of limbs straight to the floor. Just in time, Minghao popped his head in, without a doubt looking for Mingyu, and grimaced at the dull thud.

"Somebody brush his teeth. We only have three minutes left"

Mingyu yawned loudly, at this point not even bothering to cover his mouth. His head was a mess and the prominent eye bags under droopy eyes screamed 'fucking let me sleep'. Even his seat was comfortable and spacious just like the rest, there was nothing to stop the wild scrawny limbs coming at his face. Just when he thought the diva couldn't get more hyperactive, he seriously underestimated Boo Seungkwan.


Mingyu himself was too loud for his own good sometimes, but it's too damn early to deal with 'this'. They were sitting on the third row from the front which covered a great part of the field, must be the reason why he got wrestled out of his bed so brutally this morning.

He didn't get it. What was so exciting about an athletic preliminary anyway? Even Jihoon was out of his bat cave, which he calls a studio, looking rather interested in the whole event.


Startled by the sudden gunshot he let out a sound close to a braying, which fortunately was covered by the loud cheering of the crowd. Minghao jumped out of his seat pulling Mingyu's shell shocked frame along with him. After the initial shock was gone Mingyu was able to focus on the blurry figures that just zoomed passed him in an incredible speed.

His jaw hung open. Werewolf competitions were nothing like the ordinary, that he knew. But what he was seeing now was extraordinary even for werewolves. Speed is natural for them when they are in wolf form, however, it's not easy to reach such a speed in human form. The fact that almost all of them had the same speed made it even more exhilarating.

An extremely handsome tall guy with brown hair sped off at the last few seconds marking his victory, did a flip just as the finishing line was crossed and landed on his feet like a pro and gave the crowd a thumbs up. The cheers took up a notch at that.

"Who's that?" Mingyu asked in awe eyes wide. He couldn't deny, the guy was cool. The playful smirk playing on his lips spoke volumes. It's like he knew he had no competition all along and yet decided to play tease. He barely had any sweat on him and definitely was 'not' panting. Clearly he had a thrill putting himself in a tough situation. Something Mingyu could relate with.

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