Prison break

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Y/n P.O.V~
I was staring in awe as I saw my wife alive and well. Okay, let me rephrase that alive and still beautiful, but she looked a little thin. I was so excited to see her again. I lept towards her, a smile on my face and arms outstretched for a hug.

Y/n:" Erza!!"

Erza:" Y/n wait!!!"

As soon as I reached her, I passed threw her and hit my head on another gravestone.

Y/n:" Oh, god, your ghost!!"

I crawled back because of my fear of ghosts.

Erza:" Y/n, I swear to god I'm, not a ghost."

Y/n:" Really prove it!"

Erza:" ...Y/n look, I can't prove it, but trust me, alright."

Erza gave a smile, nothing or no one could copy and her beautiful brown eyes. I knew it was her the love of my life.

Y/n:" Okay Erza, what happened?"

Erza:" Well, when I went on that mission, I got captured by Salem."

I felt my fists shake in anger. Salem, she was the one who took her from me.

Y/n:" Salem took you."

Erza:" Yeah, she did."

I was going to ask her something but Erza but looked to her side as if something was there.

Erza:" Damn it. Y/n I don't have a lot of time I'm being held at Salems prison in Dober-"

Erza's form despaired before she could finish speaking. I picked my self up and walked out of the graveyard. Once I got home, I tucked myself into bed and slept.

Erza P.O.V~

The warden of the prison had just caught me giving that message to my husband.

Warden:" Well, well, well, the infamous Erza scarlet causing trouble once again. What was it this time, guard?"

Guard:" She was using the communicator to contact her husband."

The warden gained a wicked smile.

Warden:" Take her to the interrogation room."

Anger bellowed up inside me as I prepared for a long time ahead of me. The guard dragged me into the interrogation room and chained me to the chair as the warden walked in.

Warden:" So you were trying to contact your husband why? So you could see him again, the love of your life, your daughter?! Well, too bad because you will never see them again!"

I started chuckling at the warden's words.

Warden:" What's so funny?"

Erza:" You're wrong..."

Warden:" What?"

I looked up at the warden, a smirk plastered on my face.

Erza:" I already contacted Y/n, and now that he knows I'm alive, he will come for me, and you will face the anger of an Uchiha."

Warden:" Heh, I know your lying, and for your punishment one month without food and a shock coller"

I get thrown into the room, knowing that Y/n is smart enough to find me.

Y/n P.O.V~ I was making a plan to break Erza out of prison. Sasha was playing on her PlayStation that I got her for her birthday. I had been making a plan for about 3 hours. First of all, I hade to find was Erza was being held at and destroy the place. I knew what I had to do. I needed to cash in a favor that I got from Ironwood. I was going to call them, but I got a call from one of Erza's old friends. I wasn't partially close with any of there friends, but I knew them. I answered the call and raised the scroll to my ear.

Raven Branwen x Male uchiha reader x Erza ScareltWhere stories live. Discover now