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Hi my name is Raylene Ann Hale and this is my story. First of all none of this was my fault. Let's get this straight, everything started out normally. After you read this book, burn it and run far. They will come find you and the same thing will happen to you. Don't say I didn't warn you.

"Raylene Ann Hale get your ass out of bed!" My mom yelled up the stairs as my alarm went off. I groaned and turned it off before staring at the ceiling. I blinked a few times and sat up. Today was my first day of senior year and my step-brother Hunter was taking me. I got up and into skinny jeans, a tank top and a flannel with a pair of converse. I did my hair in two braids and put my contacts in before walking downstairs.

"Morning chipmunk." Hunter said as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning wolf." I said giving him a bracey smile. I put a bagel in the toaster and grabbed a glass of orange juice. He whistled a soft tune while getting himself a glass of chocolate milk. I looked out the window and saw a moving van across the street. Now the thing is no one has lived across the way in 3 years since the accident.

"Hey Hunter you know the people across the way?" I asked curious and looked at him. "Uh no." He said looking out the window. A guy walked out of the house looking like a cute brunette nerd. "Cute." I said biting into my bagel. Hunter walked off and grabbed his car keys. "Let's go." He said seeming a bit jealous. Now my step-brother doesn't get jealous easily. It takes a lot to get under his skin.

I shook it off and rolled my eyes walking to his car. "Wolf you okay?" I asked softly placing my on the small of his back. "Yeah chipmunk." He said relaxing at my touch. I got into his car putting my bag in the backseat. He got in the driver's seat and started driving. The whole car ride was silent til we got to my school. "Bye." He said before driving off. Odd, he didn't say my nickname like usual.

I looked at the huge academy in front of me and sighed. "Time for hell without the bestie." I mumbled and walked in. My best friend had moved away last year during my brother's senior year. The name of the academy was Stevenson Academy for the Gifted. I looked around as people started noticing me and talking about me.

My step-brother was a legend here and I kind of followed in his footsteps. His bloodline went to Stevenson and it was past down from generation to generation.  The girls looked at me with envy sometimes because I was related to him. I was beautiful for my age compared to most girls here. I was a tan, blonde brunette with hazel gold eyes and braces. "Hey braceface." Mariah walked up to me looking snobby as ever. "Hey Mariah." I rolled my eyes. She was the bitch of the school and had dated my brother for 2 years.

"How's hunter?" She asked popping a gum bubble. "Oh wouldn't you like to know skank?" I remarked with a smirk. Now being legend, I couldn't get in trouble. "Okay bitch, me and him are dating again." She remarked back. "Over my dead body." I slapped her hard as I can and everyone heard it. "Raylene!" The teacher gasped as I walked away knowing Mariah couldn't get me in trouble at all. I smirked and flipped her off.

I was not gonna allow Hunter to date that skank again. I walked to my first class as people talked about what happened. I sat in the back and pulled out my notebook before receiving a long ass text from Hunter. Yep he was probably mad at me and he was probably telling me off. I put my phone away not even bothering to read the message.

"Raylene why did you slap my girlfriend? Yeah I know you don't like her but it doesn't give you the right to slap her. I'm sorry but don't come home tonight. Go to Leighton's because I don't wanna see your face tonight. What you did was highly disrespectful and very wrong of you. She didn't do anything to you or harmed you in anyway. You should be ashamed of yourself. You may not be able to get in trouble at school but you sure will be in trouble when you get home tomorrow." The message read. Welp I ain't going home tonight or tomorrow. I didn't really care because me and Leighton were planning a sleepover anyways for tonight.

Class ended a few minutes later and I stepped out into the hall and saw the neighbor again. I went the opposite way and kept my head down. The skank was at the end of the hall and I bumped into her. "Watch it!" She hissed before pushing me. I looked up at her and growled. "Maybe if you weren't standing in my way, I wouldn't have bumped into you." I looked her straight in the eyes. "Or are you asking to be slapped again?"

She backed off almost instantly and I walked past her. "You boyfriend ain't gonna stop me." I smirked and kept walking. The boy from across the street was watching and just chuckled. I turned around hearing the chuckle and looked at him. "What are you staring at newbie?" I hissed and crossed my arms and eyed him up and down. "Nothing." He said not even fazed. How could someone be so calm around me? It was weird that I couldn't even faze him yet I fazed everyone else in the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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