The one shot

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She woke up slowly, carefully opening her eyes and taking in the world around her. The dimly lit room made it hard to discern any object more than a few feet away form her. The cool steel of the surface she was lying on brought her back to her current situation. She glanced down and took stick of her body. A fine sheen of sweat coated her exposed flesh. The skin around her wrists and ankles was red and irritated, but that was to be expected from the bonds. The pure silver of the cuffs burned her delicate skin, but if she lay absolutely flat and still, she could avoid inflicting more pain and give her body time to regenerate. Her biweekly appointments with a certain coven, however, quite literally drained her of her strength,  and if she were to survive tomorrow's appointment,  she would need all the strength she could muster. Her naked body convulsed as a draft passed over her. Most of the bite marks had gone away, with only three or four still marring her almost translucent flesh. Being only half were, she still had powers of regeneration,  but mainly human characteristics.  One of her most tantalizing aspects was her blood, as it was both magical and mortal, a rare quality indeed.

Her caretaker, whom she had grown to tolerate over the last 4 months, quietly opened the door. He stepped in and strolled to her in an extremely care - free manner, having no pity for her situation, as he was a vampire himself.

"How are you feeling?" He asked nonchalantly. "Any pain or sickness that needs to be addressed?"

"Not that comes to mind," she mumbled. She continued to stare, unblinking, at the ceiling of her cell, trying her hardest to collect and ground herself.

"Then I'll be quick," he stated. He drew an empty syringe from his jacket pocket and quickly stuck it into the crook of her right arm. She fliched, but only just so, not enough for her skin to touch the bonds. "Just a simple blood sample today. And your pre-feast dose of vampire blood." He withdrew another syringe, this one filled with a dark red liquid and attached to a ridiculously large needle. This syringe he slowly slid under the surface of her skin at her other arm, causing her to tear up at the disgusting feeling. Vampire blood was wrong; at least, that's what she had always been told when she was among the were community. In her captivity, however, she was sure that the vampire blood had been the thing to keep her alive on a few occasions, as the injection increased her rate of regeneration.

"Finished," he proclaimed as he slid the needle out from under her skin. Almost instantly, the rest of the bite marks from her last session faded completely away.

He slid his long-fingered hands across her body, cupping her breasts,  squeezing, and then travelling further down. His hands stilled at her most intimate entrance. The vampire blood was already taking effect, as the emotional bond between the donor, which had apparently been him, and the receiver had already begun to form. She looked up at him helplessly and whimpered knowing what was coming next, and caught between her emotions and her rational mind. Cautiously, he ran a finger down the length of her opening. Her emotions overcame her rational mind in a crashing wave of physical desire, even if she knew she shouldn't be acting as such. She arched her back and quickly exhaled as he stroked her again, this time lingering a little at her sensitive nub, teasing her. A gasp of pleasure slipped from her mouth as he unreservedly slipped his middle finger in her opening, sliding up until his hand met her base and then rested there a moment as her body departed writhed against her restraints. Her flesh was lightly singed as it tucked the silver, but quickly regenerated. Darkly chuckling, he stroked her bare stomach with his other hand, causing another shudder of pleasure to roll through her. He removed his finger, twisting as he pulled out, and slowly added another, which had her groaning in mild discomfort as she adjusted. He flashed a devilish fanged smile as he ducked his head down and flicked his tongue along her exposed sensitive area. The narcotic in the vampire's saliva only heightened her sensations.  Scraping his fangs along her inner thighs, he lightly pumped his two inserted fingers, eliciting a groan of overwhelmed feeling from her. Just as he was about to bury his fangs in her flesh due to her intoxicating scent, he withdrew entirely, earning a groan at the absence of his hand at which he smirked.

"Sleep," he said authoritatively. She tried to fight the command, but the vampire blood running through her veins belonged to him, and so his demand could not be ignored. Struggling for as long as she could, she lay her head back on the cold surface and stared at the ceiling until her eyelids drooped and she gave in to the darkness once more.

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