the two shot

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She woke to her face being caressed by her caretaker. The flinched away from his touch, and he dropped his hand.

"It's time," he said softly. For an instant, a look of pity flashed across his features, but the expression was gone too quickly to really be registered. He released her restraints with his key and helped her sit up and then got her onto her feet. She stumbled her first few steps and had to lean on her caretaker so she could walk the rest of the way to the ready room. There, she was bathed in silence, her hair washed, dried, and brushed, her body, scrubbed and scented. She was then lead to the final room, the serving room, much as a lamb lead to the slaughterhouse. A table was set up in the center of the opulent room, a steel stretcher as its centerpiece. She stumbled to the table with no resistance, already accepting the fact that she was too weak to change her current situation. Her caretaker hoisted her up onto the stretcher, this time handcuffing her wrists and ankles to the sides of the thing. At least this way, she was able to sit up and move more than in her cell. She sat up and surveyed the table.  Long and thin silver rods were placed at each table setting, and there were 14 in total. Fourteen different vampire bites would be added to her repertoire. The room was expensively decorated and dimly lighted. She knew she fetched a pretty penny for those willing to pay to taste her unique blood. Her caretaker gave her one last look over and gave a short nod.

"I'll be joining in on the feast tonight," he stated coolly. "So, there are only thirteen strangers this time."

She gave a short chuckle. As if that would make her feel any better. He then exited the room, and she was left alone to wait for the feast to begin.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes thirteen hungry vampires were led in by her caretaker. Their eyes instantly locked onto her bare figure as they walked in, eyes going dark with hunger. Once they were all situated around her, one vampire picked up the silver knife that would initiate it all. She steeled herself, laying limply and staring straight ahead, for the agony that was sure to ensue.

With the silver knife gripped firmly in a female vampire's hand, the woman drew a burning line from the bottom of her sternum to just above her pelvic bone. Vibrant red blood instantly started beading along the thin line, which was enough to get the vampires in the room whipped into a frenzy. Almost simultaneously,  14 sets of fangs pierced her flesh and began to drink greedily. She yelped her surprise and pain, and bucked violently off the table, but many pairs of hands were soon there to quell her outburst. Some were comforting. Some were more forceful. She closed her eyes against the sight of 14 heads buried in her flesh, and the narcotic effect of their combined vampire saliva slammed into her with amazing force. She arched again, this time in unimaginable pleasure. Some of the vampires adjusted their position sinking their teeth into new soft skin. In her snippets of awareness, she noticed that many of the vampires had relinquished their hold on her and had started making love on the ground around her table, one group even engaging in a very passionate threesome. As she looked around more, she made eye contact with her caretaker. Already undressing, he pulled off his black silk boxers to reveal his very large and erect member. Licking his lips hungrily, he stalked over to the table, grabbing her thighs and forcefully spreading them and he inserted his body between her open legs. Tracing his nose along he thigh, he left a trail of bites leading up to her entrance. Grinning at her complete lack of resistance,  he laved at her entrance, causing her writhe and moan in intense pleasure. Rising, he repositioned himself so that his member was at her entrance. Tracing the head along her opening, she bucked her hips in her vampire induced high, wanting desperately for the pressure building in her abdomen to be removed. Needing no more encouragement, he inserted the tip and she groaned. It was much bigger than the two fingers he had teased her with earlier. He slowly, very slowly, slid his way in, earning impatient moans and groans of discomfort. He stayed still for a moment, admiring the multitude of bite marks littering her fair skin. The other couples, not quite sated, came back to her bloodied body. Each of them again bit into her flesh, this time only taking a single gulp. The fresh saliva heightened her senses even more, and she let out a breathless moan and arched her back, allowing him more room, and he pushed deeper. Even though she was growing tired and lightheaded from the blood loss, her pleasure was unimaginable, and for a short while, she forgot that she was a miserable captive in a vampire's den. He then proceeded to thrust deeply into her, over and over, stroking her body as she let out moan after moan. She was lost to the world, even forgetting where she was, her ecstasy was so great. Picking up his speed, he let out grunts as he took pleasure in her small delicate body, loving the way her body molded to his hands and actions. With a few more thrusts, the pressure both had been building up released, and he roared his release into her depths, draping over her as he emptied his load. She convulsed and was sent to another dimension pleasure-wise, utterly spent. She floated back down and heard the sounds of other vampires achieving the same result of incredible release.

Pulling out of her, she gasped at the sudden loss of fullness. He retrieved the key to her restraints out of his discarded jacket and unlocked her ankle and wrist restraints. Taking her in his arms, he tore open his wrist with his fangs, and pressed his bleeding wrist up against her mouth. She refused at first, but after tasting the first drop,  she eagerly lapped at the open wound.

Both fully satisfied, he held her as she regenerated, and they watched others conclude their love making. Stroking her hair, she watched as her bite marks closed and turned into raised scars.

As everyone finished they gathered around the table, kissed one of her hands, thanked her for her service, picked up their clothes that were strewn across the room, and left.

The caretaker looked at her after the final vampire left the room. "You're my breeder now," he said solemnly. "You will produce me many children,  and you will be kept by me, though others may pay to use you. Understood?"

"Yes," she mumbled as she nuzzled his arm, curled up, and fell asleep in his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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