The School Scenes

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Me: Oh yeah I'm fine.
Mother: Ok sweetie. Be good and have a great day!
Me: Ok mom.
Me: (Walks into school)
Me: (Starts heading to class but bullies stop me)
Me: Don't mess with me.
Bullies: (Mimics "Don't mess with me" and laughs)
Bully #1: Haha you think that will work? I'm still mad at you.
Me: For what? Why are you mad at me?!?
Bully #1: Don't play stupid. My crush likes you!
Me: Well what am I supposed to do about that? It isn't my fault that he likes me. Besides I never said that I li...
Bully #1: (Cuts off my sentence) Just stop blabbering girl. You're sooo annoying! (Pushes me against a locker)
Me: Stop it! (Pushes him away and makes a run for my class)
Me: (Almost gets away but bully grabs my shirt)
Bully #1: (Is about to punch my face)
(Other bullies are helping Bully #1 by keeping a lookout and have secret code words for if people are coming)
Bully #5: Basketball!!! (He and the other bullies run knowing that code word means someone's coming)
Bully #1: I'm not done with you!! I will be back!! (Runs)
Me: (Slowly walks to class looking down and is sad)
*Late Bell Rings*
Me: Ugh (Runs to class crying)
(Teacher sees me crying)
Teacher: What is the matter my student?
Me: (Sniffles) I... (Head and teeth start hurting really bad* I have to use the restroom... (Runs towards restroom)
Teacher: Wait! Olivia!!

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