Stranger danger

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I walk over to austin as Mia comes creeping up behind me.
"Hi" I say nervously to austin. Really hi? That's the best you got emily, I say to myself.
Austin smiles and looks at both me and Mia
"Hey, you guys look beautiful today!" He rubs Mia and I's arm taking us in for a hug
I smile and say "thank you very much" I look over at Mia who's already rolling her eyes.

We soon take the picture and leave the arena and wait outside for mias mom.

"Where the hell is you mom it's freezing!" I say putting my hands in my pocket and doing a small little dance as the snow and weather seems to get colder
"How should I know? I already tried texting her! Let's just walk over to the bus stop."

I groan and Mia starts walking.
When I look up I see a red Range Rover with spotted dot like images, it seemed to be getting closer.
"Hey Mia?"
She looks at me and before responding she slips on the ice falling backwards.
I run over to mia "Mia are you okay?" I look up to see the car speeding at us "Mia get up hurry!"
Whatever I did Mia seemed to be unconscious. The car came speeding faster so I stood up and tried flagging the the car down telling it to stop. The cars wheels squeaked like it was really pressing the breaks. I tried to see who the stranger was in the car but I couldn't make it out. Soon the stranger got out of the car. I stood there wide eyed with unconscious Mia.

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