Gronkowski x Edelman Imagine

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For: SuperSammyO1999

Julian's P.O.V

I was back in a place that I was far too familiar with. I was back at the surgeons office for the... I can't remember how many times it's been this year. Luckily for me, I wasn't the one in medical trouble. Today it was Rob's time for a good chat with all the doctors and surgeons. It doesn't mean I'm not worrying the same amount.

Rob had taken way too many tackles and been thrown to the floor more than anyone else had and it'd started to take its toll on his spine. Most days he struggled to get out of bed and do the simplest of tasks. He couldn't walk down the stairs without almost screaming out in pain. It was awful to see him like this so hopefully being in the hospital today might be able to help him out.

He'd been in the hospital a couple of times over the past few weeks for x rays, scans and everything else that was needed. He'd done all that on his own as it wasn't anything major. This time he'd asked me to come along with him as he was getting the results for everything and wanted my moral support when the doctors gave their advice.

"I think the best option for your future would be for you to have surgery. As soon as possible." One of the doctors said.

I kind of expected this to happen but it's still hard to take in. Spinal surgery has a really rough recovery period. But he knows that I'll be there for him all the way through it.

Rob's P.O.V

"Sharp scratch." The anaesthetist said as they stuck the longest needle I'd ever seen into my arm.

I could hear the beeps of the machines, people whispering numbers and doctor language I didn't understand and then the snapping of latex gloves onto the surgeons hands. It's go time!

That's all I could remember really. There was a young looking doctor hanging over me as I felt my eyes getting heavier when I was drifting off. Here's to the next 10 weeks of pain and restrained movement!


My eyes blinked a couple of times and all my vision was blurry. I could see two outlines in the distance.

It took me a couple of minutes for my eyes to focus and for my brain to catch up on where I was. Then I remembered where I was and what was happening. Not because I was awake enough to understand but because the pain was so intense.

I jolted and gritted my teeth from the pain.

"Just keep nice and still the pain relief should be kicking in any second." Ones of the distant outlines said. This one was wearing blue scrubs and holding a clipboard.

"He should recover well but it will be a long, steady process. It will be tough and he needs to be patient but I'm sure you can help him understand that." One said to the other.

The outlines became clearer. One of them was Julian and the other was either a doctor or a surgeon - I wasn't too sure and at this point, I don't think it really matters!


A few days had passed and I was managing to keep on top of the pain. I used a set of crutches to get around my room and the floor. Julian was always right behind me with a wheelchair if I needed a rest or I was beginning to struggle. He was such an amazing person. He was pretty much there every second that I was awake - apart from him taking pee breaks but I think that's allowed.

Whilst I was getting used to being back on my feet, I enjoyed talking to people that were on the same floor as me. I wasn't looking for pity or gestures of encouragement but more for company. It gets lonely at times and Julian can drive me crazy with little effort! I met a young boy who'd had similar surgery to me but he was born with the condition. He hadn't been pounded to the ground every week for most of his life. He enjoyed watching NFL and we had a lot of fun talking about it. He was really embarrassed that he didn't support Patriots though. I told him it was fine and he could like whoever he wanted to - I just enjoyed having something in common with someone so young. He really touched me and I asked if we could stay in contact in the future which he happily agreed to!

Julian was stood waiting for me in my room when I got back.

Does this kid not have a life outside of this hospital? He never leaves!

The day came for me to sign my papers and make my way home to continue my recovery with help of friends and a lot of physiotherapy!

Julian's P. O.V

Whilst Rob was out of it I moved some stuff around in his house for him (without him knowing). I'd set up a temporary bedroom downstairs for him so that he didn't have to tackle the stairs for at least another couple of weeks. I'd also moved some of my favourite things from home into his spare room. He can't get away from me that easily! I'd already planned to stay with him for a couple of weeks before the operation anyway. I'd taken plenty of time off work and I'd taken a good look at all the local restaurants that would deliver to us. Rob can pay though!

When Rob finally got into his house he rolled his eyes and sighed knowing exactly what I'd done.

"You're staying, aren't you?" He said.

"Don't sound too excited!" I replied sarcastically.

I think he was getting a bit sick of me because I'd started to play a few pranks on him.

For instance, when we were leaving the hospital, Rob decided that he wanted to wheel himself out to the car and I followed behind. But I may or may not have been holding onto the back of the wheelchair meaning that he was putting a lot of effort in to move but wasn't getting anywhere. It took him a while to realise. The cogs were turning but he wasn't going anywhere (in the wheelchair and in his brain!)

I think he's getting a bit bored of me now.



He's stuck with me.


He'd been doing really well with his physiotherapy and getting his life back to normal. He always talked about the little boy that he met in the hospital. I think he missed having someone different to talk to.

Together we decided that he would give the little one a present to say thank you for keeping Rob company whilst he started his recovery. We knew that he had similar surgery so he'd need crutches afterwards.

We got Rob's crutches and jazzed them up with cool ribbons and lights. It doesn't sound that cool but trust me - they were!

The finishing touch was Rob signing them. It might not have been that big of a deal for the little boy because he wasn't a fan of the patriots but we also got a jersey for the team he did support and got as many of the players to sign it as we could. It was Rob's thank you for the help and determination that the little boy had given to him.


It came to the day of me moving out. Rob was almost completely recovered and I don't know how much more we could have taken of each other. We were driving each other insane!

I went up to the room that I was using and starting to pack all my things together. I found an envelope with my name on it.

Inside was a piece of paper that said:


I know I've been a pain and I've made you question our friendship a few times recently but I wanted to say thank you for everything you've done.

If we hadn't met however many years ago then I don't know where I'd be today. You've been amazing the last couple of weeks and I truly don't know what I'd do without you. You're a real blessing to the world and I am really grateful to have you as a friend.

Now get out of my house and let me live my life!

Love you really x


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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