8. Distraction

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"I can't leave you alone for 5 minutes." He sighed heavily.

I glanced at the door anxiously and quickly moved to lock it I sighed. "Did they find him?"

He shook his head and he looked irritated by the fact. "Whatever happened back there caused quite the distraction. What was that by the way?"

"What was what?" I knew what he had meant, but I wasn't wanting to talk about it right then.

"Jessica, please."

"You want me to confess that I'm some kind of freak?" I demanded.

"I don't see you that way."  He replied.

I shook my head. "Yes you do. You're just good at covering it up. But I know what my voice does to people Edward. It even made my own family flinch."

"Not anymore." He sighed, "It takes listening past the unpleasant tone to hear you. Bella could hear past it. Angela could."

Why was he being kind right now? I moved to sit on my parent's bed. "So how did my voice break a window?"

"You're gifted."

"Cursed is more like it."

"You stopped him from biting you again." He pointed out, "That's a good thing."

"You don't have to be nice to me." I bit my lip.

"I don't have to." He agreed. "That doesn't mean I don't want to."

I felt a flip in my stomach at those words and I trued to ignore it."

"You should get some rest." He told me.

"I can't." I couldn't imagine closing my eyes right now. Not with so many things to plague my dreams.

"I'll be right here. Just close your eyes, Jessica."

I glanced up at him and he smiled a breathtaking grin. It took my breath away. So I lay down and pulled the covers over me. I felt his back to me and I continued to feel it there till I fell soundly asleep.

I felt it again when I woke. It was a comforting thing to have him there.

"Morning." He said. Something seemed to bother him. Probably my thoughts. I wasn't going to take them back though.

"Morning." I replied and sat up. "What time is it?"


I slept a little late today, I thought. I rubbed my eyes.

"You're doing too much. You should rest." He said.

I glared at him for reading my mind, and got out of bed. "I have too much to do."

"Surely getting work can wait for when you aren't being hunted by vampires?" He teased.

"Yes. I have to get some cash from somewhere or I'll never get back to school."

"You'll get back to school." He sighed, "You're such a drama queen."

"You know I've thought the same about you a time or 2." I sighed.

He smiled. "It might interest you to know that Sue is interested in hiring you."

Relief flooded through me. One less thing to stress about.

"You need a break. Its still my turn to watch you. I'll take you somewhere." He offered.


"Its a surprise." he was smiling. "Wear something you can work out in." He was gone in a flash leaving me in a daze. He had to know the effect he had on me by now. I was embarrassed by it, but being attracted to him seemed inevitable. I walked out of my parent's room and back to my own. The glass on the floor reminded me of the night before but I quickly grabbed some clothes and moved to the bathroom to shower.

Louder (Jessica Stanley X Edward Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now