sicky dash and applejack's dare

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Baileydash:hi guys I'm back with the main six Twi, AJ, rarity, RD, Fluttershy, and Pinkie.

All but baileydash:hello

RD:I'll be right back guys*flys to bathroom*

Fluttershy:*heads to the bathroom too* dashie are you nervous again?

RD:nope,*sneezes* achoo!

AJ:dashie are you faking*walks next to dash*

RD:no just don't feel like my *sneezes*   achoo! Self right now but I'll be fi-fi-fa*sneezes* achoo! Fine.

Rarity:you shore darling?

RD:ya I should just ignore ma-ma-ma *sneezes* achoo! Me

Baileydash:dash maybe you should go home and rest up.

RD:no! I will be oh-oh-oh *sneezes*achoo! Ok.

Twilight:if your shore

RD:yup i-i-i *sneezes* achoo! I'll be ok

Baileydash:ok this dare is also from me and it's for applejack

Applejack:I'm ready for this dare

Baileydash:I dare you to tell us one lie you have told.

Applejack:ok I've lied about  being sick for that one week last year I actually had a family emergency in Manehattan. *sigh*

RD:spill A-A-A *sneezes*achoo! A.J

AJ:alright alright no need to get your hooves in a twist! I said that because I didn't want to tell you that my parents died, *makes a sad face*

Fluttershy:Applejack you didn't have to tell us that.

RD:no you Did-did-hid *sneezes* Achoo! Didn't have to tell tha-tha-the *sneezes* achoo! That.

Rarity:*backs away a bit from dash*

AJ:thank you girls

All but RD:*gives AJ a hug*

RD:I'm gonna stay over here in case I-i-i *sneezes* Achoo! Really am sick.

Baileydash:ok dashie

All but RD:*breaks hug*

Fluttershy:dashie? What are all those dark blue spots?

RD:blue spots? *looks at wings and rest of her coat* OH NO SHY, &TWI STAY BACK!

Twi:why dash?

RD:I don't want you two to get sick

Fluttershy:why it's ok only a cold

RD*nervous tone*NO! No it's not! *backs away from friends*

Rarity:what is it then darling!

RD:*breathes heavily*

AJ:oh come on rainbow you can tell us anything! I literally just told you all about my parents! What's going on.

Pinkie:come on dashie*hopping a little closer to RD*

RD:I have the-the-the *sneezes*achoo! Feather flu I know theses spots anywhere.

Fluttershy:Feather flu oh that's just awful!

Twi:what's feather flu?

All but RD & Fluttershy: ya!

Fluttershy:it's when a pegusis or alicorn or really any pony with feathers gets dark blue spots. You just witnessed dashies simtums but every pony is different I get all Itchy yet dash gets all sneezy. The more athletic pegusi get weaker no pony knows what causes it but we do know that it's really really painful to have.

RD:*nods* *sneezes* Achoo!

All but RD and Fluttershy:ohhhh

Baileydash:dashie if you want to go you can.

Fluttershy:you show really go home dashie

RD:I-i-i *sneezes* achoo! Know I just well can't

AJ:why not sugar cube

RD:i-i-i *Sneezes*Achoo! Live in the sky an-an-and *sneezes* Achoo! Can't fly at the moment.

Fluttershy:right I forgot

Pinkie:you Can't fly cause of the flu?

RD:*shakes her head*

Baileydash:you can stay here with me till you feel better if you want to

RD:I might actually do-do-do *sneezes*Achoo! Do that thanks

Baileydash:no problem dash

RD:I would hug you but I don't want to get you sick to *takes one step forward*

Pinkie:no feathers on this pink pony *gives RD a hug*

RD:thanks pinkie *coughs than gives hug back*

Baileydash: I'm gonna end this chapter and let Rainbow dash get some rest.



{I got the sickness from this video I think you should watch it}

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