Description & Rules

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Hey! Welcome to my RP book!!

I am willing to roleplay most things so if  you can't find any scenarios you like then go ahead and tweak mine or recommend your own!

Any characters I use in this are original, the same goes for the prompts I will be utilizing. At the beginning of each chapter is the name and picture of my OC, BUT a full description of these characters can be found in my OC book.

Before anything I would like to address the "Never say no" rule in improv. This means that if during improv somebody says something you don't expect or like, you still have to go with it because otherwise it ruins the activity, this sort of applies to role playing too.

That is to say, go with it. Don't keep trying to force your own plot, if you want to change something, tell me, but don't make anything happen that doesn't feel natural just because. I can't think of any good examples but I promise it sucks when it happens.
Nobody likes reading rules but I think they really help set expectations and overall improve the experience so please do read them!!

1. Please be descriptive! I understand sometimes you may be in a rush or aren't in the mood for descriptive replies and that's okay, but for the most part please try and keep responses a few sentences or longer because (I think) it's more fun that way.

2. If you've gone out of your way to find a RP book, I assume you understand the concept of roleplaying in third person.

He walked to her
He laughed at her
He cried over her

She walked to him
She laughed at him
She cried over him

They walked to them
They laughed at them
They cried over them

Do not's:
I walked to her
I laughed at her
I cried over her

He went over to her *walks*
He thought it was funny *laughs*
He was sad *cries*

He walks over to her
He laughs at her
He cries over her
3. Do not control any character other than your own AND (this is a big one because I've seen it more and more lately) do not do so much in one reply that my character doesn't have a chance to respond to your actions.

For example, do not write: "He picked her up off the ground and carried her out to the car, putting her inside of it before climbing in the drivers seat and pulling out of the parking lot." If you do this you are controlling my character by not allowing me to respond to your actions or attempt to stop them from taking place.

4. If you want to role play with my OC, tag me in the comments (or pm me) and either choose one of the listed scenarios or recommend your own. Simply write "May I?" and leave a description of your OC or tag me on one.

5. Keep cussing to a minimum and if it is appropriate and in character, please censor
(AKA sh*t, *sshole, f*ck)

6. No smut please. These are mostly romances so kissing, flirting, and even a bit heated of a scene is fine, but if it gets to the point where you and I would be more comfortable in PM then I'm not okay with it and a time skip is in order.

7. Speaking of time skips. Super useful! If you want to do it, please ask. However, once you and I find a rhythm, you don't need to ask every time, just do it when it feels necessary.

8. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, spell things correctly. If you mess up a few times, of course I don't mind at all. Also, if you mess up bad enough that it's hard to understand feel free to clarifie. (Oops, clarify*) see, not too hard to do! You don't have to be perfect, I don't expect that of anyone and would hope that is not expected of me but there are a few that really tick me of so here, if you don't know them, PLEASE learn them:

Were: Past tense. (Ex: We were doing this.)
We're: Contraction of 'we are'. (Ex: We're going to the store.)
Where: Refers to location, and has the handy word here in it if you forget. (Ex: Where are you going?)

Your: Possessive. (Ex: EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS!!)
You're: Contraction of 'you are'. (Ex: You're probably reading this because English is a language that low-key makes no sense.)

Their: Possessive. (Their sense of humor is great)
They're: Contraction of 'they are'. (Ex: They're so pretty.)
There: Refers to location. (Ex: Go over there.)

Past tense:

Also, then refers to time. (Ex: And then I left the house.)
Than is for comparisons. (Ex. You are better than that.)


9. Please make male characters too! I know it's mostly us ladies in here and we love to play girls and feel all lovey dovey but I wanna feel that way too!! So please do interact with female characters as well!

10. As you may have inferred from the prior rule, I am personally not comfortable role playing romantic relationships that are not heterosexual. Absolutely no judgement towards people or characters with non-heteronormative preferences, I just don't feel comfortable role-playing that sort of relationship as a straight woman with no experience in that arena. Thank you for your understanding <3

11. If I am online, tag me after 15-30 minutes. If I'm not, tag me after a few hours.

12. If you aren't having fun than what's the point?! Tell me if this happens and we can stop and change the people/situation/style to your liking!

Thank you for taking the time to read these rules and I look forward to role-playing with you!!

"What are men to rocks and mountains?"
- Elizabeth Bennet
(Pretty dang cute if you ask me 😅)

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