E-tendering refers to the online tendering facility. Nowadays, the Internet has covered most of the corporate sector because of its broad network and fast process. Digital Signature Certificate has taken a very important part in the authentication process in e-Commerce.
In previous decades, every transaction process was performed manually. These were a time taking and lengthy process. But the development in Internet brought a revolution in the e-commerce. And processing efficiency is improved to a great extent. All the processes have been modified electronically. The paper document became electronic document. Sending and Receiving a document through the mail is replaced by an email service. Banking is modified to Internet Banking. Hence all the corporate sectors were affected by the Internet and the processing time has been decreased. But security issues were emerged while performing transactions over the Internet connection. Therefore a digital signature concept was developed for authentication of users. Thus the Digital Signature was included as an integral process in the e-commerce.
Digital Signature refers to a digital code generation to authenticate the message sent over an insecure connection. The message may be an electronic document or electronic mail. A USB token including an encrypted certificate used for applying a Digital Signature is called as Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). A private key encrypts and decrypts data into cipher text and vice versa, and public key decrypts a data from cipher text to its original form. The several types of DSCs are Class 3 DSC, Class 2 DSC and DGFT DSC. The Class 3 DSC is mandated to use in the Digital Signature Certificate for E-Tendering. Most of tendering organization prefers Class 3 DSC. Some organization also allows to file a tender through Class 2 DSC. According to IT Act, the certificate must be provided by the approved and recognized certification authority.
Some facts that show the importance of a DSC in e-tendering:
• Provides highly secure authentication.
• Secure transaction over insecure connection.
• Protects from fraudulence.
• Maintains confidentiality of the classified information.
• Provides transparency in a transaction.
• Quick and reliable process.
• Repudiation is not possible.
• Builds trust over online transaction process.
• Not reusable by any person.
• Does not require any attestation while filing the documents.
Those who want to get a DSC for e-tendering can get it from the Digital Signature Certificate Provider in Delhi. One of the most trust worthy registration authority is e-Solutions. It renders each and every type of DSC with various electronic USB token like e-pass, Aladdin, Trust Key.