New Littermate

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"Wait a minute! What's that?" Oisin demanded suddenly.

"What's what?" Farley asked, raising her head. Her whippet companion had stood up suddenly and walked over to Lena, pressing his face against her stomach. Farley tilted her head before getting up to follow after him.

"I can't really explain it," he said, head pressed to Lena's stomach. "But there's something... something about Lena."

"Something something?" Farley asked in slight amusement, head still tilted.

"I'm serious!" Oisin whined at her and Farley knew at once that he was, as he had said, being serious. He was not joking this time. There was something funny about Lena right now, something different, and even if neither of them quite understood it, something big was happening...

Well, in time, Farley and Oisin would come to learn that Lena was pregnant.

"OMR! OMR!" Farley yapped when she finally heard Kara break the news.

"What? But I thought that wasn't possible?" Oisin shook his head in amazement and disbelief.

"Well then again, this is Lena we're talking about here," Farley said, shaking her head in amusement while her legs continued to tremble from excitement. If there was anyone out there who could figure out a way to impregnant a female human with the child of a female Kryptonian, it was Lena. (And although the dogs didn't know it, Lena was chosen to carry the child just because she wasn't sure if/how a Kryptonian would carry a pregnancy on Earth under a yellow sun. Because human pregnancies were a lot better studied, Lena opted to be the one to carry the child).

"Fair enough," Oisin agreed, legs also shaking as he looked up at his pregnant owner. Because she was still early on in the pregnancy, one could not tell by looks alone that Lena was carrying a child, but it all clicked in Oisin's head immediately. That had been that odd little... something that he had sensed earlier, even if he hadn't been able to put his paw on it then.

"Oooh! That means we're getting a littermate!" Farley whined excitedly, still jumping up and down for joy. Oisin, meanwhile, gave a nervous smile. Although he was honored and delighted to think that was about to have a littermate, it would be a lie to say he wasn't a little scared. But Farley seemed nothing but excited and ready. Oisin could only hope that some of her confidence would eventually rub off on him...

Roughly nine months later, Alura "Lori" Luthor-Danvers took her very first breath and her eyes opened to see two beautiful women smiling down at her, tears in their eyes. One was a young blond with bright blue eyes. She was muttering in Kryptonian, speaking about how many wonders the little girl would come to know and love as she grew up. The other woman had dark hair and hazel eyes and she was too overcome to do anything but weep softly and brush the little brown tuft of hair on the baby's soft head.

"I can't believe you did it!" Kara whimpered into Lena's hair as she gently held one of Lena's arms.

"No, we did it, Kara," Lena murmured back, finally taking her eyes off their child to look into Kara's. The two shared a short but loving kiss as the world got to welcome in its newest and youngest member of the Superfriends. That child was going to have so many loving aunts and uncles...

"OMR! OMR!" Farley yapped when the baby finally came home.

"Woah, there, Farl, calm down!" Kara held out a hand to hush Farley.

"But Moooooommm! I wanna see our new littermate!" Farley whined, though she did sit down at last (albeit quite reluctantly).

"I thought you'd never shut up!" Oisin teased her, but it wasn't like he was doing much better. Even though he hadn't barked, or even whined, he had been pacing the entire day and Farley got tired just watching him. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, tail and ears twitching impatiently for the time when their owners would return home with their new littermate.

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