Part 6

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"I should probably call everyone they're probably worried." I say quickly trying to change the subject. "Oh no you don't have to. No one knows. I didn't think you'd want them to know." He says to me. Wow my soulmate. "Now back onto the 'I love you' part." And with that he leans forward and kisses me.


The kiss was amazing, like fireworks going off. It was only a couple of seconds but it felt like the world stopped turning. He pulled back and smiled like a dork. "Goofball" I say thinking out loud. He chuckles before giving me another quick kiss and getting up.

"Where are you going?" I ask worried he's leaving. "Don't worry. I'm just going to see how long till you can be released." He says as he squeezes my hand and leaving to find a nurse.

I sigh as I'm all alone again. I would never tell Peter but I have this thing where I get touch starved. It's like when you don't get any meaningful touch (whether a hug, kiss, hand hold, anything) everything goes bad. Higher anxiety, higher depression, more mental brake downs.

That's the basic definition, it applies to basically everyone who is touch starved. But there's more for me, the feeling I get. It's like blackness in your heart, like you're alone even if you're in a caroused room.

All you can think about is what it would be like if you could see and touch that person that you want. Sometimes a friend or a boyfriend or even a family member.

Then I just get envious of the person inside my brain cause they get to be with that person.

"Hey, you good?" Peter says bringing me back from my own self loathing. "Yeah. Sorry. When can we go?" I ask really just wanting to binge watch That 70's Show with him.

"They said they just need to check you over then we can go as long as I stay with you at all times cause they're not supposed to discharge you" he says as he grabs my phone and looks at it.

"Hey! Give that back" I say reaching for it. "Bah bah bah. Hands back you animal. I'm jus seeing if anyone's messaged you" he says as I say and lay back.

After a while he speaks. "Your brother messaged" he says as a doctor comes it. "Give it" I say wanting to see what he said. The nerve on him. I don't need protecting. "Please" I say with puppy dog eyes.

"Let me just check you out first" the doctor says obviously wanting to be quick probably wanting to get to other patients.

Time skip

We arrived back to the house and it's 7:46am with the sun only just out of the horizon fully. I went upstairs and got in a skirt and shirt as the doctor said to let the cuts breathe for today but they weren't really noticeable and no one was home other than Peter.

I go down stairs and go over to the couch, flopping down. I turn over and sit up to see Peter smiling at me. I make grabbing hands for him and he complied and sat next to me. Very close to me.

I get my phone as he turns the tv on hopefully to put on our show. I open my messages with my brother to see what he sent.

Dickhead: hey I'm not going back to the house all today. If you're going out tell someone.

The nerve!

Me: okay sure I just got one question for you fucking dickhead.

Dickhead: yea...?

Me: why the fuck have you told guys not to date me. What the fuck. You have no right.

I didn't actually know but from what Peter said i just guessed.

Dickhead: they're all dickheads. You're better off without.


Me: but you don't get to decide that. I've liked a guy for so long and he doesn't want to date cause if you

Dickhead: who

The fuck. It's none of his fucking business.

Me: none of your business

Dickhead: tell me. Now

I can tell he's pissed and so am I so I just leave him on read.

"What's wrong" Peter says form next to me. "Nothing much. Let's just watch" I sigh happy that he put our show on. He skeptical but doesn't bring it up.

We watch the show getting comfy. He's man spreading whilst slouching and I'm sitting with my head on his shoulder and his on top of mine.

As the episode continues I take a scary leap hoping it'll turn out well. I place my hand on his upper thigh and squeeze.

I feel him tense then relax again. I take that as a good sign and squeeze against moving my hand higher.

He let's go a ragged breathe as he wriggles in his seat. "Michelle" he growled deeply. "Yes" I say looking at him innocently. "Nothing" he says and turns back to the tv. I smirk.

I move my hand up even more so it's right over his member as I scratch the material over it. "Michelle" he growls again. I decided to take another leap with my next words.

"Yes daddy"


I'm currently writing this on a train and thank fuck they don't speak English here otherwise the person behind me would be traumatised cause I can tell they're reading my phone. Also sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to do a cliff hanger. Also do not attack me for the kinks I use.

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