4.Identity reveal

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Avu pov:
After we landed from airport I followed Sid to his car when I reached to his car he started to drive I get really bored so I started to see the nature through windows I started to feel USA is not bad it's cold and beautiful

Sid's pov:
When I am driving I see avneet started to mesmerized by the beauty of her country I tried to avert my eyes from her but on seeing her beautiful face she started to play with snow fall.she looks like a angel

~after a while they reached nigam mansion~

Sid: come avu this is your new home
~i just shocked to see their house it's just beautiful and lovely when I entered the living room I was warmly hugged by vibha aunty and she led me to my room actually that is sid I just hated to live with him but I don't have a chance~

Avu: thanks aunty
Vibha: no beta just call me a mom ok
Avu: ok mom

*After they were moving to the living avu went and sit on her couch while I'm sitting with Sid I saw Sid's dad come and sit beside with me*

Sid's dad: avu we want to tell you something

Avu: yes uncle you can tell u said with nervousness

Sid's dad: you can call me dad beti and i have to tell your birth secrets you remember when you are a small baby you have a mysterious fever right

Avu:( with nervousness) yes it remember....so that why only you gave a tablet to me and I'm taking the tablet daily with out skipping

Sid's dad: yes ma do you know why i description to intake you the tablet

Avu: no...........................

Sid's dad: you will feel weird and hard to believe you but you have to believe it that you are a werewolf.....

Avu: what dad are you kidding me there is no way werewolf will be existing we are not in medival age ( i was cut off by his eyes dad's grey eyes turned in silver for a minute and im pretty sure they are telling truth)

Sid's dad: you have to believe it that we all are a werewolf and I'm going to tell about werewolf you have to listen well okay avu

Avu: i just nodded my head.......

Sid's dad:avu you know I'm alpha of crescent moon group my son Sid soon going to take my position as alpha of crescent moon group you know we have lots of werewolf staying in our pack behind our house there is a small village of pack living here you have confused why we called you right

Avu: yes that means you all are also a werewolf and a large werewolves community are living here and you are king for the right

Sid's mom: yes dear you are correct and you wonder why we called you mean soon Sid is going to take the position of alpha so for this he needs his mate to rule the pack so we decided you and Sid to get married before full moon day so me and Sid's dad could take rest and you and Sid can rule the kingdom

Avu: what happened mom if you and uncle is there so why you need a new king

Sid's mom: avu me and Sid's dad are getting old so we going to take rest as our heris Sid taking the title of alpha and your going to take my title as Luna(A/N: Luna mean queen,alpha's wife)

Avu: what???

Sid: yes avu you have to take title as Luna that means you are going to be a future queen of crescent moon pack

Avu: i just staring them with shocked i couldn't tell anything u just nodded my head and felt silent

Sid's dad: so you cleared all your doubts right okay all assemble to dinner hall we are going to eat

Avu's pov:
                    After Sid's dad leaves living room we follow him to dinning room it took midnight to complete the dinner after completing the dinner i just become tried so i say goodnight and went to my room when i tried to reach for door knob i flipped in mat over their before i could fall down i felt two strong arms wrapped around me when i open my eyes i start to fall on those hazel eyes guy he really look make me forget who I'm when i am looking into his eyes then i heard a fake cough so i straighten myself from his hold and see vibha aunty standing there

Vibha aunty: can i talk to you avu

Avu: yes mom

Vibha: come to my room for a minute

*When they reach their room vibha sitting on her couch*

Vibha sit her beti

Vibha: can you help me avu

Avu: yes mom

Vibha: i know dear it is too early for you to take this thing I'm not hurrying you im just saying can you give chance to my son i can surely say my son will be good husband to you.can you marry him darling?

Avu: i don't know what i can do right now i just nodded my head

Vibha hugged avu on joy and kissed her forehead

Vibha: tell me dear what do you want i can give you what you want I'm so happy right now

Avu: can i you allow me to go to college i Really want to continue my study

Vibha: ok dear you really sweet and clever ok go and Sleep tomorrow you can join to Sid college

*Avu say goodnight and went to her room and saw Sid is asleep on on side of her bed she doesn't say anything or trying to make him get up so she decided to sleep on either side of the bed before she could think further dark assumed her*

Sid's pov:
                   When we reached our home
I saw mom greetings us after a while dad started to tell about our secret to her when she started to believe we all are werewolves she started to shivers in fear after my dad completed his story she again started to feel better after she tried to go to our room I saw her falling hee from step before she could fall I catch her in my arms she closed her eyes in fear but when she opened her eyes i saw her lost in my eyes i smile on seeing my effects on her when I heard some one cough I let her stand when I saw my mom I just left her with my mom and went to my room I just lay on bed on thinking what my dad say to me he said about the feeling of when he first meet my mom like he says I felt my whole world is spinning when I saw avu I only noticed her and tried to smell her she really smell the mixture of strawberry odour before I could think further I asleep

~tomorrow morning~

Sid's pov:
             When I'm getting ready for my collage I suddenly saw avu also dressed up like a pro I wonder where is she going so I decided to ask to her

Sid: where are you going

Avu: I'm going to college with you

Sid: what??? Who said that

Vibha: I'm only beta she is interested in her study it is her right to continue her education so take care her in college and I already informed to your principal okay

Sid: okay mom....................

...................... To be continued

               Hii guys sorry for late update my network is dead today only I recharged it
       ( I'm making a puppy face)

           So how was the chappy??
               Drop your fav scene
Then wonder what will happen to sidneet in college

So new character will be updated in next chapter guys

Until then bye

I'm ur Harini💗💕

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