I brushed pass the many, many, people in the crowd. With the map held in hand, I wasnt watching where i was going when suddenly.. BAM! I smacked right into a girl, knocking both of us on the ground. Ive never really been a social person, so the only words I could muster out were- "Oh! I-I'm so sorry! A-are you ok?" I was so flustered... She responded by laughing. My pink face turned beet red. God she was beautiful... I hopped up and held a hand out to help her up. She grabbed it, and oh. MY. GAWD. It was so warm and soft.. I wanted to squeal. Whatever red I was then.. Compared to right now, I was about to explode. She had a smile, so perfect I wanted to melt right there. She was a little taller than me, about 5'5, and gorgeous auburn hair draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a yellow tank top with a little bit of her perfectly tanned skin showing on her belly. She had high waisted short shorts and high topped mint converse. She had eyes the color of soil after a rain on a sunny spring day you could get lost in and plump neutral pink toned lip gloss lips. Just the sight of her made me gayer- which, I didnt even know was possible. "Um.. hello..?" I snapped back, realizing I was still holding her and and staring at her. I turned away, letting go of her hand. I saw her study me for a minute before grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere. It surprized me. I made a wierd 'uwah' sound that made her laugh. Her laugh was like music to my ears... She looked over her shoulder, flashing me with that adorable smile of hers. Eventually we got to a cotton candy stand. "What color?" She offered. "Umm.. Whatever you want.." I mustered. "Okay then! Pink like your cheeks!" She laughed at her own joke which made my 'cotton candy cheeks', tomato red. "Hmm.. To bad they dont have green like your eyes." She winked at me. I looked down at our hands, held together, but not intertwined.. I didnt have the courage to lock them though. She bought pink, never once letting go of my hand. I hope my hands aren't too sweaty... I thought to myself. We found a bench, and my gawd. She did the cutest thing. She grabbed a piece of the cotton candy and fed it to me. I couldnt help but smile. "Ah, so you do have teeth." She giggled. I just wanted to kiss her- wait. Ugh. She probably isnt even into girls. Stop it.

We talked about everything possible. Just, hanging out. She said her name was Cassie, i told her I'm Amelia. Every second I spent with her i got an even bigger crush. Just then she checked Her phone, and with a sad expression, said "..I gotta go. My mom wants me back home by 5.." My heart crushed. I wanted to stay with her... "Wait!" I yelled, a little to loud. I quickly wrote down my number on a sticky note and handed it to her. She smiled, and waved bye. I realized i might as well go home too.

(At home)
I stared at my phone, waiting for a text. After about the 207th time checking it, I gave up. She didnt wamt to text me. As I set my phone down on my bedside table, I sat down, defeated. Why do i care so much? I just met her. Truth is, she made me feel like no one else has. I didnt want to lose that. I heard a familiar ding! Followed by two more. I sat back up a grabbed my phone. I opened it and went to messages.

Cassie ^^~ jey!

Cassie ^^~Hey**

Cassie ^^~ How are you??

Amelia🌼~Good u?

Cassie ^^~ Wish we could still hang out.. ;-;

Amelia🌼~ Yeah.. Me too.

Cassie ^^~OoO! I just got an idea!!

Amelia🌼~ And that is..?

Cassie ^^~ We live in the same town, so we could go to the mall down Lesbian Street! ((authors note: wink wink)) And then you could come to my house for a sleepover!

Amelia🌼~ but, we only just met.. Are you sure your comfortable with that?

Cassie ^^~ Typing...

I layed down in my bed, critisizing myself for saying such a thing. I wanted to be with her as much as possible! How could i mess up a chance to spend a whole 2 days together!?

Cassie ^^~ Yeah, your right... Sorry for rushing things, its a habit of mine. I just.. Feel rlly safe with you, ya know?

I wanted to cry. She feels the same and I just- ugh! I didnt know what to say...


Amelia🌼~ Is 2 a good time?

Chapter 2 coming soon!! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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