Chapter 1

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Alen's pov

 I drive into Chad and Katlyn's cabin driveway. Chad insisted on getting one for both of them, even though everyone else had separate ones on the trip.

I knock on the door expecting to see Chad answer but instead, Katlyn opened the door. She peeked through to see who I was and then opened it further.

"Hey, Katlyn! Is Chad here?" I asked

She cleared her throat "No he left an hour ago to go get the skiing tickets for tomorrow." 

"Oh." I looked back to see his car wasn't here, I should have figured that one out.

"But you can come in and wait for him if you'd like, I would love the company." She let off a little smile. I've known both of them since the 3rd grade. I remember them always liking each other.

"Sure!" I accepted.

She opened the door all the way this time and I was shocked. Her smooth arms were covered in bruises and small cuts and so were her legs. Her long light brown hair moved as she walked revealing her left cheekbone leading all the way down her neck, bruised. I could make out the handprints on her wrist where he grabbed her. I knew Chad got mad sometimes but I've never seen it this bad. I've almost never seen her without long sleeves and dark-colored tights and a skirt on, along with light makeup.

Katlyn's pov

He stepped in and his eyes grew with something, anger? I had then realized i was in my pj's. I had a light blue tank top on and some black shorts. He kept examining me with his eyes but didn't say anything. I rushed over and grabbed a blanket off the couch. 

"Sorry I wasn't really expecting anyone." I could see my voice had snapped him out of his thoughts because he walked in acting like he had seen anything.

"Is alright." His voice was shaky.

"Would you like anything to drink" I offered

"Um, some juice would be great." 

"Okay." I let off a soft smile and he did the same.

I went into the small kitchen and opened the mini-fridge grabbing the carton of orange juice, then reaching up and grabbing a glass. 

After pouring him a glass I walked back to see he was sitting on the couch. 

"Here you are, one fresh glass of OJ." I giggled and reached out my hand to give it to him, and he accepted it and took a sip then placed it onto the coffee table.

He gestured for me to sit with him and I nodded and complied.

"So how have you been Alen? It seems like we haven't had an actual conversation in a long time" I smiled again. He looked up at me with soft eyes. 

"It's been good, I'm glad so many people could make it on the trip." he paused for a second and that look in his eyes grew again "I see Chad has been busy," he said flatly gesturing towards the bruise on my face. "Oh it was an accident..." he cut me off "You don't need to protect him you know." I looked down trying not to let him see the pain in my eyes. 

I flinched and my head shot up. He had placed his hand onto my cheek, tracing the purple bruise with his thumb. It felt nice. I let my eyes fall shut and he cupped my cheek. His other hand reached the blanket that I still had wrapped around my arms, slowly pulling it down and letting it fall. I opened my eyes and looked at how he had gone from anger to sadness. He cared. And I could see that now. 

His eyes then met mine and went soft. "I'm so sorry.." I cut him off "No...dont do that..don't blame yourself..." 

"But how can I not? I've known you for so long..." he sighed "I never noticed.." 

" stop..." I said flatly looking down so he wouldn't see my tears. His hands cupped both of my cheeks and pulled my chin up. "You know." he paused "I hate to see you like this." Another tear left my eyes silently.  "You would never feel this way with me." I looked up, shocked. 

Did he really just say that? He has feelings for me? 

He was about to say something else but was interrupted by Chad's car pulling into the driveway. Our eyes didn't leave each other though. 

That's when I realized I was happy he was here. I was happy his hands were on my face. I was happy he had feelings.

The door opened and Alen's hands let go of my face. I had felt cold again. 

I pulled the blanket back up and got off the couch.

"Hey man!" Chad laughed. I turned my back and started walking to the bedroom. Alen's eyes were on me. I could fell it. He was watching my every move. I liked him watching over me like that, yet I closed the door. 

"Hey, dude." Alen replied.

"Guess who has the tickets for us tomorrow!!"

"Let me guess, YOU!" Alen was trying to act like nothing just happened. 

"Hell yeah!" Chad barked

"Well I should get going, I need to meet up with the others and see if they're still up for it."

"Alright! well, I will see you later then!"

"Yeah, see ya!" 

The front door closed and My heart rate started to rise. I was alone once again, with him.

"Katlyn?" I could hear his steps moving towards the bedroom.

"Hellllloooo?" He said confused at my nonresponsive attitude. I snapped out of it.

"Yeah?" I said my voice still recovering from crying. 

"Where are you?" 

"In the bedroom," I said wiping my tears. The door then opened and I naturally walked over to the closet. 

"What are you up to in here babe?" he said curiously. 

"Just grabbing some clothes, I'm gonna hop into the shower before dinner." I hadn't been out all day. Just watching movies so I needed to take one.

"Alright. Mind if I join?" Ge laughed. My face grew red and I started to shake. I knew what was coming.

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