o. fateful meeting

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"Four, relax, you look constipated," One's voice whispered through Billy's earpiece as he tried to confidently strut through the hotel lobby as if he'd been there hundreds of times before.

"I'm sorry," He whispered before shooting a smile and a 'privyet' to the woman at the front desk, "It's usually you doing this kind of stuff, not me," He continued, trying to keep himself calm as he made his way towards the elevator.

"Four," It was Two this time, "We're right here with you. Remember, you need to get to the deputy prime ministers' computer and put the chip in. Three, do you have eyes on them?"

Billy took a breath as he pressed the button to the elevator, "They're still in the hotel restaurant, giving this poor waitress a hell of a time," Three responded, watching the dark-haired waitress get harassed by the group of men, "Are you sure we can't just kill them all?"

Billy chuckled as Two berated her partner in the earpiece. When the elevator door opened he was greeted by a red-headed maid with her cart. He scooted in beside her and saw that the button to one of the upper floors, his floor, was already pushed.

He sent a flat smile to the maid, which she returned, waiting awkwardly for the elevator to rise to their stop. He noticed a tattoo on the woman's wrist, an open pair of scissors ready to cut a red string. When the door slowly opened, he let the maid exit first- not wanting her to see anything that might get them caught. He mentally cursed, however, when he realized that they were both making a beeline for the same room.

Once again, they both looked at each other awkwardly before Billy lifted a hand to gesture toward the door, "Posle vas."

"You've completely butchered that phrase," Two said disappointedly.

The maid nodded, "Spasibo, you're not a native speaker I assume," her accent was thick, but understandable and her tone was slightly humorous.

"Nyet," Billy responded, gritting his teeth and thinking quick on his feet, "I'm here on government business, I was told to meet the deputy prime minister in his room."

"An Englishman," The woman seemed slightly surprised by his accent, "well, come in, I won't be long," she propped the door open and grabbed a few cleaning supplies as Billy slipped inside.

"Shit," he muttered to himself.

"Act natural," One told him, Billy did as he was told and leaned against one of the walls while 'checking his watch', "Jesus, why would a maid come clean at eight at night?"

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