The end

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It was almost noon and a class of junior night students stood around a small boy, curled up in the corner of their class room. The students laughed as the green haired boy stuffed an apology to them.

From the front of the classroom, the teacher sighed and let them continue. The quirkless boy didn't even look up at his teacher, didn't even try to ask for help. He has learned long ago that there was no point. That no-one cared for the quirkless, not even his teachers.

After a minute, the teacher had enough and stood up, telling all the students to sit back down and continued teaching, ignoring the smell of burnt fabric that wafted through the school as the boy brushed ash from his shoulder.

After school was over, the class left, some paying to throw pieces of paper or rubbers at the green haired boy as he cleared away his stuff, hiding it all deep in his bag, where no-one could see the white notebook he his inside.

Or so he thought.

"Hey, Deku, what's this? Hero notes for the future?" Red eye glared down at the boy, who stuttered uselessly. "How could someone quirkless like you become a hero?"

There was an explosion and the burnt remains of the notebook were tossed out of the window. The boy's eyes followed the notebook as it fell out of sight, plummeting towards the floor. He turned to look at the boy who threw it and hung his head.

"Why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life?"

The green haired boy was once again left alone, with noone there to help him. He was always alone, so it didn't make much of a difference to him.

He finished packing up his stuff and made his way to the pond where his book had fallen. He took it out and quickly dried it off, shoving it back into his bag and making his way home by his normal route.

Across the street. down the lane, under the bridge. His feet moved on their own, his mind running on auto pilot, taking him back to the only place where he wasn't alone, to the only place where he was loved by somebody, anybody.

Laughing disrupted the boy's thoughts and he looked up, just in time to see a mass of green goo cover his eyes and fill his mouth. The creature said something but he couldn't hear it.

Maybe this was how he'd die? Killed by a villain. Heroes were killed by villains all the time, maybe then he'd have something in common with them. But, of course, he couldn't have even that.

There was a loud bang and a blue figure appeared just as everything went black.

The boy's green eyes flicked open and he looked up at the hero who stood above him, looking down at him with a wide smile. The boy skuttled backwards and stared up at the man in admiration.

"Thought we lost you there!" All Might said, smiling down at the young boy, who was starting to fanboy.

All Might just smiled down at him, he was used to fanboys by now. He just waved goodbye to the boy and jumped, leaving the boy o the ground, or so he thought.

He felt a weight on his leg, and glanced down to see the green haired boy gripping onto his leg. He landed on a nearby rooftop and the boy let go of his leg.

He slowly stood up and looked up at the hero, who turned to leave the rooftop.

"Wait! Is it possible for me to become a hero, even if I don't have a quirk?" The boy asked.

All Might turned around and looked at the boy. He sighed and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, kid. But you need to be more realistic. Maybe be a police officer? They aren't as flashy as heroes, but they still help save people."

All Might smiled and left the rooftop, leaving the green haired boy alone on the rooftop. The boy watched the door slam closed and then looked down at his feet.

Even his hero had rejected him. Noone wanted him. What was the point in trying anymore. He felt something run down his face and brushed the tears away from his face.

He walked over to the edge of the rooftop and glanced down at the road below him. 'Why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life.' That was what Bakugou had said.

He sighed and closed his eyes, taking a step closer to the edge of the rooftop. It was worth a try. All he had to do, was take another step forward.

Maybe if he had his eyes open at that moment, he would have seen the green haired woman walking below the building. Maybe he would have noticed the green eyes gazing up at him. Maybe he would have thought twice. Maybe he would have remembered the one person who loved him.

Izuku Midoriya took that step, and plummeted to his death.

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