Netflix and Cuddles

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(End of recap)
Dylan:Your awake!!
Dylan:So what do you wanna do??
Y/n:Idk......I miss Payton....
Dylan:Dont worry he'll come around....
*Dylans POV*
I felt bad for her.... I need to talk to Payton.....Hes the love of her life....
Dylan:Ill be right back Y/n
I walk out the house and call Payton
It took about 3 rings until he answered
Payt:Hello*groggy voice*
Dyl:Hey umm we need to talk
Dyl:You need to forgive her..... She loves you man....
Payt:Then why'd she kiss him
Dyl:She didn't kiss him... He forced her too....
Payt:OMG....ive messed up.... Shes not gonna wanna see me ever....
Dyl:Just come over here......
Payt:Okay *End call*
(End of POV)
Y/n: Dyl are you okay what took you so long??
Dyl:Just had to make a phone call
Y/n:Oh okay.... Do you think Payton will ever come back??
Dyl:Im sure he will....  
    *Time Skip 5min later*
(Dylans POV)
he should be here any minute now.... I hope they work this out.....And i hope he doesn't hurt her again.....
*Door bell rings*
Dyl:No i got it
I opened the door to see a crying Payton..... He looked so broken...Like nothing could save him.....
Payt:Where is she.....
Dyl:Shes upstairs in her room
Payt:I got some flowers for her.....
Dyl:Go surprise her
(End of POV)
I could her Dyl open the door....It was probably the mail man delivering a package....
I gasped in excitement and turned around...He was here
i ran up to him as he always did before he caught me.His hands were on my thighs and my head in the crook of his neck...
Y/n:*sniffles* ive missed you so much...
Payt:Aww Y/n dont cry.... Im here now thats all that natters......
Y/n:Payton Jay Moormeier you mean so much to me........
Payt:Im so stupid to think you would ever have anything with Ant...But i got you these
He pulls out your favorite flowers
Y/n:Awww Payt......I love you more than i can put into words....
Payt:Bbg i love you too.....
(To be continued)

Guys im so sorry i havent wrote in so long SCHOOLS BEEN KICKING MY ASS but im gonna try to start writing more.....

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