Breaking News

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"How could I possibly get coffee on a scorching day like this?" complained Genevieve from inside the car. "I'd rather stay here in air-conditioned luxury."

"I can't get it by myself, I need my confidence!" whined Aryana. "Plus, I think your cute barista crush is there..."

"Fine, I guess I never thought about iced coffee." She said reluctantly getting out of the car.

Opening the door to the rustic cafe, the smell of coffee beans and fresh baked pastries spilled out of the shop. The old makeshift bell rang, and Ryan looked to the pair from behind the counter.

"Morning ladies! It's not too busy today, so it's good to see some familiar faces!" he chimed with a bright smile much too real for this early in the morning.

"See Genn, he loves to see you!" Aryana whispered excitedly.

"Yeah right Ary, let's just get our coffee and go, ok?" she hissed back, trying to stay out of earshot of Ryan.

"Whatever," Ary giggled, and ordered both their breakfasts for them.

Sitting down, Ary looked at the TV behind Genn. "There's never anything exciting on the news anymore. It's always just boring politics, and something new about cars. I miss when the heroes were all over. I guess they're the norm now."

"Well, politics does affect us you know. Even as boring as it seems right now. Plus, I guess it's good that the Heroes doing good is the norm." Genn stated, taking a sip of her coffee. She smirked at Ary who rolled her eyes in defeat.

"Don't you ever wish you were on the news though? Maybe for curing cancer or being the best amateur actress. Everyone would see you." Ary asked daydreaming.

"Sure, but if you were to ever be in the news, it'd be for a criminal search." Genn laughed.

"Yeah, but they'd never find me." She giggled back.

As Ary finished laughing, she opened her eyes, and looked up. Something on the news screen caught her eye, and a look of terror spread across her face.

"Chloe, come out and see this!" Ryan called from the counter. His coworker came out to see the commotion and looked scared once glancing upon the screen.

Genevieve turned around to see the whole shop looking up in shock.

What she saw being announced on the news nearly brought her to tears. The ones she looked up to, the ones she only dreamed to become, gone.

Her heroes. The world's heroes... pronounced dead.


Panic in every class she walked by. Leaders were still trying to figure out what to do. She heard rumors about the military coming to protect them, but she never saw any news on it. It's all anyone's posting about, talking about, and even thinking about. The knot in her stomach wouldn't stop pestering her as the fear of no protection spread throughout the city.

When Genn walked into her first class, she almost wished she didn't come to school at all. Even her teacher was distracted. Girls in the corner were crying, and everyone was constantly checking the news. Fear filled questions and doubting statements only made the stress worse.

The static bell of the school speaker caught everyone's attention, making the class fall silent.

"Attention teachers and students. Please remain calm as Authorities are handling the situation. Please remain indoors, and do not panic. The search for our heroes continues. Thank you."

The class sat in silence. Genevieve felt a sense of relief. The search continues. Could the heroes still be out there?

She didn't want to have to start early...


"How do they expect us to learn in a crisis like this? Especially do our present-ations! I think that Mrs. Dime should just cancel the projects." Ary complained while stuffing more mac n' cheese in her mouth.

"I think you just don't want to present." Genn blamed, "You'd have to do it at some point. And don't even think about doing your hour-long lunch again."

"Genn, I'm scared though. I know you are too. You're so anxious."

"I'm not scared. I'm just... waiting. To see what happens."

"What do you think will happen?" Ary whispered.

"I'm really hoping that they'll find the heroes, and they can go back to their job. I know that sounds rude, but we need them. I don't think the military could fight against the dark powers that are out there."

"You think so?"

"I hope so. We don't know."

"When will we know? When or how when anyone know if they're still alive? 

She didn't answer. They sat in silence for what seemed like minutes on end.

"I guess... we'll just have to wait." Said Genn.

"Ok. I can wait." Ary said picking up her lunch tray. "Want to spend the rest of lunch in the library? I know that'll calm you down." She said standing with a smile.

"Good idea."

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