★ | 142. always watching, tokyo ghoul

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 142: Always Watching, Tokyo Ghoul
Word Count: 1417

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 142: Always Watching, Tokyo GhoulWord Count: 1417

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He felt like he was going crazy.

He always felt like he was being watched. That someone was following him. He tried to tell someone but no one believed him. They just thought he was being paranoid. That what happens when your suspicions of everyone. He walked down the pathway, tugging his jacket on closer, as if that would protect him.

[name] sped up his walk, glancing behind him every couple of seconds as his heart beat wildly in his chest. He had no choice but to walk to work in the dark. He didn't have a car and no one could drive him.

What if it were a ghoul following him? What if he was about to become it's next meal?

If there is someone following me, please leave me alone. You've scared me enough for one night. I just want you gone. His thoughts were going crazy. He was close to his work now. He was sure if he screamed someone would be able to hear him.

Because he wasn't looking and he let his mind get so muddled, a couple more steps and he was flying foreword, landing on the ground with a hard thud. He groaned in pain, sitting himself up and looking at his, thankfully, not bleeding hands.

He stood back up once again, wiping his hands on his shirt and taking a step forward, only to run into another. He gasped in fear and jumped back. Though the fear didn't last long when he saw who it was. "Kaneki! Don't scare me like that."

"Hey, you're the one who ran into me." Kaneki responded with a small smile. Kaneki and [name] had met a couple months ago and had become friends quickly. They seemed to always be spending time together and some even thought they were dating. [name] would always have to repeat that they weren't anything more than friends.

"Right." He looked behind him again.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I just... I thought there were someone following me. I guess I'm just being paranoid." He tried to laugh it off, not wanting to weird the white haired man out. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to see you actually. Wanted to know if you wanted to come to mine after work." Kaneki said.

"I can't. Sorry." He didn't have an excuse. It was just one of those nights where he wanted to be alone and watch television in bed. He wasn't in the mode to hang out with anyone. "But another night, yeah?"

Kaneki smiled tightly, "yeah. Sure."

"Okay. I gotta get going. I'll see you later." [name] rushed past him, not wanting to be late to work. His boss was a dick and he couldn't afford to get fired.

Kaneki watched him go, the kind smile falling from his face and turning into a smirk.

★ ★ ★

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