Christmas Special

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This is when you and Yui where 4, your quirks manifested already.

"Good people all, of every sort,

Give ear unto my song;
And if you find it wondrous short,
It cannot hold you long.

In Islington there was a man,
Of whom the world might say
That still a godly race he ran,
Whene'er he went to pray.

A kind and gentle heart he had,
To comfort friends and foes;
The naked every day he clad,
When he put on his clothes.

And in that town a dog was found,
As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound,
And curs of low degree.

This dog and man at first were friends;
But when a pique began,
The dog, to gain some private ends,
Went mad and bit the man.

Around from all the neighbouring streets
The wondering neighbours ran,
And swore the dog had lost his wits,
To bite so good a man.

The wound it seemed both sore and sad
To every Christian eye;
And while they swore the dog was mad,
They swore the man would die.

But soon a wonder came to light,
That showed the rogues they lied:
The man recovered of the bite,
The dog it was that died."

"What!? What does this mean?! Tell me!!" Yelled (Y/n)


"(Y/n)!" Yui Tsunade screamed as she barged into her big brothers room, running up to his bed and shaking him. "Wake up! Wake up!" She whined "what!?" Yelled (Y/n), his mid length hair swaying as he sat up rather violently, sweat running down his forehead, slight bags under his eyes, and a pale face. To put it shortly he looked like shit but that didn't stop Yui from dragging him out of bed and into the living room where the beautifully decorated tree stood in all it's glory.'I'll tell Mom and Dad about his condition later!' Yui mentally noted herself to tell her parents about her brother. "W-why so excited...?" (Y/n) exhaust and sleepy voice made to Yui's ears "oh it's nothing~" "than why did-?" (Y/n) started but wasn't able to finish "it's Christmas, duh!!!!!" Yui dragged on as she sat on the couch patting the spot next to her, signaling her brother to sit down "Christmas! Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!" She cheered her brother sitting down just not next to her because of how loud she was "I hope our parents get down soon so we can get this over with..." He groans "Mommy! Daddy! GET DOWN HER!!!" Yui screamed using her quirk in the last part to make her voice extremely loud that it shook the whole neighborhood!


"I love it!!!" Yui gushed as she held the iPad tightly in her arms holding onto it for dear life "I'm glad you like it Yui." Stated (Y/n) and Yui's father, Hiro, he let a soft smile adorn his features. Hiro hugged his wife from the side as she layed her head on his shoulder. They both shared a loving kiss as Yui squealed rambling about love and youthfulness still being in her parents as (Y/n) deadpaned at his parents sticking his tongue out "gross, lovey dovey crap." He muttered. Mika's, (Y/n) and Yui's mother, ears perked up as she heard what her son said a dark aura surrounding her as her aura clashed dangerously with Hiro's happy gold aura. (Y/n) started sweating "I didn't mean to say it! It's just that Katsuki keeps swearing all the time, he's rubbing off on me!" (Y/n) tried to defend himself but it didn't work "that's not the problem!!! You cussed in front of your pure angel of a sister!!" Mika pointed towards Yui who didn't know what was happening. (Y/n) gulped as Mika stocked towards him like he was prey and she was the predator.


"Last present!" Hiro smiled as he handed (Y/n) his last present for today. (Y/n) grinned as he unwrapped his present.

"Yeah yeah, I won't get him in the hospital anymore...." Mika groaned "you better not! He's the heir to the throne! If he were to get hurt critically before he takes his place as heir our family will be in trouble! It's bad enough that your brother only wants one child and that childs a girl! Your son's the only one who can take the title of being heir of the family, your father's already disappointed in you for becoming a pro hero! Atleast you didn't stay a sidekick..." "Whatever good day mother." "Good day...child."

"God, she's so persistent." Mika groaned "that's just your mother!" Laughed Hiro as he hugged his wife from behind grinning. Mika smiled "I guess so." She sighed "did (Y/n) like his gift?" "Yep! He loved it!" Mika looked down "I'm glad...I got so worked up over the word crap...Yui always plays with (Y/n) and Bakugou and she doesn't seem to be cussing...Maybe-" Mika was going to continue but was cut off by Hiro "he forgives you, trust me on that one!" "Ok.."


Hope you enjoyed this Christmas special! Just so you know, you and Katsuki-chan use to be best of friends until the news about Izuku being quirkless got out. You decided to stay with Izuku-kun and Katsuki-chan decided to do what he did in the manga and anime, bully Izuku-kun.

919 words on this page! I feel like this is more then I've written in other chapters

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