Where the porch ever lies, a life emerges
And within a moment sheds an aspiring breeze
Whilst the birds sing Heaven's song
Thus, a season is born.
The winds of change shift dances
As the soft sphericals of water ever fly
To the infinite light of ash and burn
Where never again, one may touch.
Wisps of ray escape their master
To a place of expanding blues and depths
Where greens touch the sky
And never again shall they peer aback.
On that porch sits no one; Only life herself
Beyond the many stars of their seeming kin
Awaiting unfortunate parrels to come
As the crackle of Autumn's leaf shamefully sheds.
Vibrant hues of Summer's essence conceal themselves
Dying a meaningless, pleasant death
Never to return on life's end
Where the porch ever lies, a life emerges.