Chapter six

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Sarah fought with the hands groping her body, trying to pry them off while at the same time, tugging at her dress to keep it down. She screamed again but this time a sweaty palm came over her mouth, silencing her.

Panic rose in her at the realization of what was about to happen to her. She was lifted off her feet and as the brute holding her began to back into the darkness at the end of the ally, Sarah screamed out in her mind for Axin once again.

He isn't coming! No one is!

She kicked her legs once again, this time making contact with the groin of the man that blocked her path earlier. He cried out, grabbing his midsection with both hands and spitting a string of curses at her.

The one holding her off the ground leaned in to speak in her ear, "Stop being a little bitch and just let it happen. It will go a lot easier if you stop fighting."

Sarah shook her head, mumbling her own creative response into the man's palm, but without realizing the one she clocked in the nuts had recovered, a hard slap hit her face, making her eye throb and tears well.

The guy holding her placed her on her bare feet, and Sarah cried out as pain stung her sole's. Broken glass jingled on the tar road as she stumbled to stand.

The man that slapped her came towards her again, a furious look on his face and Sarah cowered from him, trying to ignore the agony in her feet as the glass embedded deeper into her skin.

"Please don't do this," she begged, tears making her vision go hazy.

"I'm gonna fuck you up for that, you little bitch!" he spat, stalking closer to her.

"Fuck you, you sick perv! Leave me alone!"

He chuckled. "This one has some fight in her. I like it!"

He launched himself at her, grabbing her around the waist, and lifting her over his shoulder. The men all went farther into the dark at the end of the alley, as Sarah tried kicking and screaming again.

"Axin!" she begged once more, knowing that he was her last hope for any kind of help.

"Your boyfriend's not gonna save you, sweetheart," the asshole carrying her said and gave her a hard smack on her ass.

They stopped by a dirty, piss smelling corner in the alley, and she was lowered to the ground. Her feet stung as they set her down, and Sarah lost her balance, falling to her knees and feeling the skin scrape off from the tar.

More tears spilled. "Please! Don't do this."

One of them stepped forward, the one that had remained silent all this time. "Let's get this over and done with. She's a mess, and I'm starving!"

As all three men moved in on her, Sarah shut her eyes and with one last shout in her mind for Axin, she braced for what was about to happen.

Gasps and cursing around her made her open her eyes to find the three men staring at the space just behind her with wide, shocked eyes as they backed away from her.

"What the fuck is that?" the one that had carried her cried out, stumbling to get back.

"Run!" a deep, menacing voice said from behind her, but Sarah smiled.

"Shit!" The silent one spattered before spinning to the entrance of the alley and bolting away. The other two followed with haste, and when Sarah was alone, she dropped her face and let the sobs come.

A cloud of smoke surrounded her, blocking out the dim light of the moon, but instead of the cold, wet feeling she felt the last time the smoke touched her, she felt a warmth surround her.

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