chapter 3

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Alexandra's POV

I was  finally  done  with  some  of  the  hardest  tests i was ever  going  to  write  in my life  and i was left  with  about  a hundred more  but  the  good  news  was  that  I  was  a quarter  way there. I expected  my  holiday  to be  a  blast  but  sadly  the  national  electricity  company's wicked  yet uncalled for  sense of  humour  ensured that  I  only  had  access  to  wifi and tv for  a few  hours  of   the  day  .on good  days  the  electricity  was three  for  the  whole  day  and  th  good  days  were  a few .like  when  i went  out for lunch  with my mum fad and little  sister .the waiter was  good  looking  but sadly  he returned  my  polite smiles  with  professional  ones obviously  not  getting  the  message. Another good  thing  was when  my   big sister her child kaylie and her  husband  dave whom i thought  was creepy the  fast  time i saw  him.You probably  would  have  too if you  were at a mall  and saw a  total  stranger smiling in your  direction  and going  ahead  to greet your mum.if i hadn't  thought  quickly  I wouldn't have  realised  that  he was  my brother  in law.  But that feeling  that  he was  creepy disappeared  when  I  realised  he had a sense  of  humour  that  was interesting  and his jokes  were  dryer  than  mine and most importantly  my sister  and  him really  seemed  to  love each  other  also  he was  kind  enough  to  consider  the  poison  i could  conjur up to be  food. Not  that   I  was  bad  at cooking  i just rarely  cooked.Anyway when  my older  sister  came  i was  really happy  to  see my niece  for  the  first  time. She was as adorable  as she was heavy and she  was  really  heavy  that  I  suspected she weighed a ton.The only  annoying  thing  that  happened  when  she was there  was when  my  dad  scolded  me. "Alex why are  you  angry? " my mum asked  during  dinner. I kept  quiet "it's  me isn't  it ?" my dad said ."how  did  you  know? " i asked  which sent  him in the whole  If  you  care about  what   bad thing do to you  you  won't  go anywhere  when  I  tried  to  argue  he ordered  me  to  eat  my food  saying  we would  continue  the  fight  and said  it was  ok.I wished he would  just  buy me a punching  bag because  he obviously  wouldn't  want  to  be  my human  one. When  my big sister  went  i almost  cried and i hoped to  see her next  year  again .

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