Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three: The of course game 

Later That Day

" That time I was in the 1st grade I remember I won a free book but chose a 3rd-grade book of spooky stories

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" That time I was in the 1st grade I remember I won a free book but chose a 3rd-grade book of spooky stories." Jungkook couldn't hide his smile while watching you telling him stories about the times when you were young, he hadn't any good ones from that time to tell you but hearing you laughing and so excited about telling him yours made him forget every bad thing and replace it with smiles and laughter. 

" The first story was about a girl who wore a ribbon around her neck every day, untied it as she was dying, and her head fell off" You looked up at Jungkook while sitting together on the sofa " I was so scared...." You laughed 

" I bet you were ." the man did the same 

You nodded your head " It scared me so bad that I made my Dad return it to the store." You smiled at him " I returned a free book, that's how scared I was." 

" Oww that's so cute..." He messed your hair playfully, you liked it. You liked everything he does, the way he smiles, the way he laughs, talks, play with you and touch you. 

I don't want this to ever end

" But you know..... I really was a smart kid." You stood up when you heard the melody from the oven announcing that your food was cooked since it was right in the corner you continued talking " I figure out that Santa didn't exist at the age of 7 "   

" Wow, how couldn't you? , I was about 12 when that happens " Jungkook laughed, his tone amazed as he followed you. as if he hated being apart from you even a few feet. 

" Well....." you sighed and placed the lasagna in the sink before turning off the oven and turned to face Jungkook who sat by the small dining table " I was so excited about Easter and all so my parents wrote a card from 'Easter bunny' and put it in my basket and I immediately asked 'Why does Easter bunny and Santa have the same handwriting?' ." 

Jungkook's eyes widened before he starts laughing when you finished  " Wow that was so f*cking smart babe...."

"  I know right, I ruined my childhood " You rolled your eyes and sighed, " Mom told me that I kept all the Santa cards hidden and looked at then all the time that I memorized the type of writing immediately......damn I was a  genius." You laughed and walked with the lasagna to the table and placed it down " Now let's enjoy my delicious special lasagna....." You brightly announced. 

" Wow, baby this looks so tasty " The man clapped his hands like a little kid which made you laugh again. 

You watched carefully Jungkook as he took the first bite and from his face, you knew he liked it and that set a fire inside of you, a happy one, a one that you don't want to pour cold water to stop it. Jungkook was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon your own. You loved the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new story or was so enjoying one of yours that he lost himself for a moment and quite forgot the mask he wore for others. 

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