The Day She Was Born

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Anna push. Push hun please she is
almost here our Daughter is almost here Luke said to his wife Luke and Anna always wanted kids and they never could conceive this baby was

their blessing the Doctor said to Anna Miss Campbell

 your baby is almost here I need you to push when I say please you losing allot of blood and we need to

keep you and the baby stable. Anna's POV: Luke I can't this is so hard to do next time you will be carrying the baby Luke just laughed and said okay Anna I will

with a big smile on his face it took 2 hours for baby Mia to be born she was a tiny little rascal but Anna and Luke loved her so much all ready. Because

all the complications that happened during the birth of Mia she and her mum Anna had to stay in hospital for a bit just to make sure that all was well

Luke never left his wife side or his new baby daughter he was blessed he is blessed he thought to him self he never new that he would have what he has

with his wife and there new baby daughter Mia

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