Eye patch dude

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Its been a few hours since Phil dropped me off at my New York Pent house. They said they'd call me when they needed me.

And they did.


"Don't 'Phil' me. You made me look like a fool in front of Captain freaking America!"

"Oh get over it already. By the way you embarrassed yourself I was just making it easier for you." I smirked to myself as I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Damn Starks" he muttered.

"We caught Loki in Germany. Get to the Helli-carrier now." I knew what was coming next.

"Philip Coulson don't you dare hang up on me." Of course he ignored me and did exactly what he was told not to.

Damn you Phil. Honestly now that I think about it, I don't really know if his full name is Philip.

I walked out the building and saw a helicopter. I decided to ditch it and fly instead. Yeah I said fly.

One of my other abilities is air manipulation. I use the air around to propel me forward. I felt like superman without a cape.

When I dropped down on the helli-carriers jet runway all eyes were on me.

I ignored them and started walking towards the bridge where I know Fury is.

"Eye patch dude! I screamed when I saw him. I immediately ran towards him and enveloped him in a big hug, of course he didn't return it. I think he's just worried it'll ruin his reputation but I didn't give a flying smurf.

"How's my favorite pirate been?" I asked when he forcefully shoved me off him and looked out towards the sea of workers typing on computers.

"Amazing. Until you arrived." I gasped with an expression of mock hurt before I smirked at him.

"You know you love me." He turned back to face me.

"Unfortunately , I do."

Yeah, you heard right. 'The' SuperSpy, Most feared human on the earth, Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury has a soft spot for little o'l Scarlet Stark.

It all started when SHIELD tried to help me with my abilities, I threw a tantrum and Phil brought me to see Nick where I annoyed him to no end after they made me an official agent.

After a few weeks I was able to get an 'I love you best friend' out of him. Of course it was forced but I was able to soften him up when he was around me. I actually consider him an uncle.

"Aww I love you too Nicky." I said kissing him on the cheek before skipping out the room.

I arrived at the meeting room where I found five other people talking amongst themselves.

They were crowded. Around the holotable where a live video was playing.

"Oooh. Is that Loki. He's hot." I said making my presence known. All eyes were immediately on me.

"Hi. Scarlet Stark. You're Bruce. I love your alter ego. Capsicle we've met. Good to see you too Nat. Blonde god, you're my new best friend because I absolutely love your hair. Maria stop shouting rude words at me in you mind, there is a god present." I said in one big rush of words.

They all stared at me like I just grew another head. "Look. Nicky's saying something." I pointed at the screen.

"Is she aloud to call him that?" Bruce asked and Maria scoffed and I gave her the finger.

"She's aloud to do anything she wants."

Its true I can do everything I wanted besides read Fury's mind.

"An impressive cage, not built I think for me." Loki looked directly at the camera as if he knew we were watching him and I felt Bruce tense. I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile.

"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guys head is a bag full of cats. You can smell the crazy on him." Bruce said when the video was cut.

"Care how you speak, he is still of Asgard and he is still my brother." Thor, who didn't like what Bruce said boomed.

"He killed eighty people in two days." Nat said calmly, folding her arms over her chest.

"He's adopted." At this I burst out laughing and couldn't stop myself.

When no one else laughed I looked around.

"Oh, I'm sorry was that not supposed to be a hilariously funny joke?"

I tuned out the rest of the conversation and instead sat down on the nearest persons lap. Which just so happens to be Steve's. To say he was uncomfortable was an understatement. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it.

"Its a stabilizing agent. Means the portal won't collapse like it did at SHIELD." I could place that voice any day. Jumping off Steve's lap as quickly as I could I faced him.

"Tin man!" I screamed

"Mother Nature!" He screamed back and I tackled him in a hug. I literally tackled him to the ground.

When we got off the floor, he dusted off his coat.

"Well that certainly proved my masculinity." He muttered and I couldn't help but hug him again.

"Well haven't you been busy." I said when I pulled back as I tapped his chest lightly.

I was at SHIELD when he first became iron man. Of course I wasn't aloud to tell him at the time. I haven't seen him since before he was taken to Afghanistan.

Yeah, yeah. I'm a horrible sister. I searched day and night until he was found. I wasn't able to be there when he came home because I was in England on a mission for SHIELD. Fury and Phil kept me updated on everything that's been happening with him.

"Were talking later." He said in a serious tone before walking towards the computers. " Also, it means that the portal can open as wide and as long as Loki wants. That man is playing galaga. Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did" he said some other loud and incoherent things. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to throw people off. He does that when he's hiding something. I would know, I do it too.

I saw him slide something under the control panels and I quickly looked around to check if anyone saw. Luckily everyone was too busy looking at him as if he were crazy to notice what he had done. I'm so asking him about that later.

He covered one eye with the palm of his hand. "How does Fury see these things?"

"He turns" I replied watching in amusement as he mocked Nicky.

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