The Wolf

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('Talking out loud')
(-Wolf speaking-)

(Author POV)


'mmm...cold....' I say while feeling around for my blanket but my hand touches nothing but "grass.... why am I touching grass?.....unless"   I bolt up looking around with wide eyes seeing trees and grass ' a... forest?... why am I in a forest!?' I begin getting up in a panic " wait take a deep breath calm downI slowly begin taking deep breaths 'ok....I'm how am I going to get out of here?' I begin looking around again "ok... now let's see if I can find....wait is that a..." right in front of me is a part in the trees resembling a path " it did I miss that?" I began making my way through the path -..Flame..- freezing I begin looking around '...he...hello?.. who's there?' - come my child this way- I suddenly hear something moving behind me "oh crap" I quickly turn around only to see the bushes moving "....well isn't this the way horror movies begin? " standing still I stare at where the bushes we're moving ' I don't know if *growl* and I'm going' I Dart off in the Direction the bushes were moving

~Time skip~

As I continue to run I finally see a clearing ".......finally......" I slowly come to a stop as I enter the clearing completely out of breath '' -hello my child welcome to my Forest- I freeze -behind you my child-  " I swear if this is Slenderman I'm going to scream" I slowly turn around and come face-to-face with  'a wolf?' (picture above) -haha indeed I am a wolf my child- ' I said that out loud didn't I?' the wolf nods his head and says -yes you did my child-  'oh.....did you bring me here?'  -yes I did- 'why?...and what is your name?' -my name is Gold and to answer your first question I brought you here because you seemed sad and I thought this will make you happy- I blink once, twice I deadpan ' you thought bringing me here- I motion towards all the tree around me- making me panic and scaring me half to death by growling at me and you thought that would make me happy!?' Gold blinks and tilts his head - I didn't growl at you my child-  I freeze and saying in a shaking voice ' if you didn't growl at me then who did?' - I do not know my child bu- I'm suddenly tackled from behind 'ahhh'

~~~~~~~~Waking world~~~~~~~~~

I bolt up from my bed in a panic 'ahhhhhh.....wait..' I begin looking around ' I'm home?....wel- suddenly my mom and dad quickly comes into my mom asking what happen and if I'm ok I quickly tell my parents I'm okay and it was nothing but a weird dream as my parents leave as I lay back down and think to myself "well so much for having a happy where's my SketchBook" I quickly get up and begin looking for my SketchBook so I can draw the wolf before I forget.   The End

Sorry it seems to end as a cliffhanger but that's what happened in my dream :P

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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