My girls

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Millie,Moxxie,Alastor, and Charlie all sat down in the schools office, getting a call from the principal was the last thing the friends expected. "Mox do you know what the hell this is about?" Alastor asked, fixing his crown. Moxxies tail hung low and he shook his head. 

"The principal is ready for you now." The secretary said. They all stood, walking into the principals office, one couple pissed, the other confused. Everyone walked in and found Lizzie and Zim with black eyes and bruises. Everyone gasped, meanwhile Lizzie could feel the actual anger seething off her father. 

Zim saw her face grow of worried, and interlaced there fingers under chair. He gave her a reassuring nod, which made her feel better. 

Everyone turned there attention to the principal, who was adjusting her lipstick. She smacked her lips and put the lipstick away. "Im glad you all could make it for this interview. Your here because Jefferey-" The principal didn't even get to finish before Charlie had forcefully spun her chair around. 

"Hello Charlotte." Killjoy said. Charlie gasped while everyone else was confused. "what the fuck do you want killjoy?!" Charlie asked, while everyone stared at her in shock, espically lizzie. never in her life had she heard her mother cuss. "I want your daughter suspended. She got in a fight with MY daughter, karen." Katie explained. 

"is that so?" Charlie asked and turned to face her daughter, Lizzie gulped. "who wants to tell me the details?" Charlie asked while looking at the two with death glares. Alastor wiped the sweat off his brow, never had he seen Charlie this mad. 

"well...she was insulting lizzie, so I stood up for her, than she asked me if it felt good to be a failure, than I called her-" Lizzie had to kiss zims cheek to stop him from talking. "Its ok zim, ill admit it. I called her a bitch after she insulted zim." Lizzie said, he ears pressing against her head.

Charlie found herself feeling very proud. "well ill be damned, the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree." Alastor said with a huge smile, while Moxxie and Millie where snickering in the corner. "I expect her to be punished severally." Katie said. Alastor and Charlie looked at each other and burst out laughing. Lizzie gulped, her ears pricking up in confusion. 

"ha! you think where going to punish her for standing up for her friend?! PLEASE!" Charlie said wiping away a tear. "Zim, you can go." Katie said. Moxxie and alastor secretly fist bumped and took zim home.

"Lizzie, your suspended." Katie said point blank. "WHAT?!?" Alastor and Charlie shouted. "she's suspened, get used to it bitch." Katie said with a smirk. Charlies hands where now covered in fire as goat horns grew on her forehead. Lizzies screamed and ran over to alastor, who held her close. 

"YOU WANT ME TO SET YOU ON FIRE AGAIN ?! CAUSE GUESS WHAT?! I WILL DO IT AGAIN!" Charlie screamed. Katie only raised her fist, AND PUNCHED THE QUEEN. DAMN THIS LADY HAS NO CHILL!  Lizzie thought to herself. She felt her fathers hands leave her. She looked at him and saw him in his demon form. Lizzie hugged his leg and cried into it. "daddy please! lets just go home!" Lizzie begged. 

Because of his daughters cries, Alastor calmed himself. He grabbed Charlies arm and took her out of the office, and they entered the royal limo. Charlie was still steaming and holding her eye. She knew these types of emotions where bad for the baby, but she couldn't help it!

Lizzie sat across from her parents. "So...your not mad?" Lizzie asked. The king and queen turned there attention to there daughter, Charlie beaming. "of course not! that killjoy is an old family rival!" Charlie explained, Alastor snickering as he recalled charlies interview. She saw him snickering and elbowed him in the ribs. Alastor kissed her cheek in response. 

Lizzie smiled at her parents and looked outside the window, and hummed this tune she had heard once. "inside of every demon of is a rainbow..." she accidentally sung outloud. Charlies eyes widened, she looked at alastor beaming. "HA! I KNEW IT! I TOLD YOU SO!" Charlie poked fun at him. Alastor rolled his eyes and pulled his wife and daughter close. 

Charlie snuggled into his chest while lizzie sat happily on his lap, falling asleep. Charlie smiled at him and alastor smiled back. Charlies head fell on his shoulder, and she fell asleep as well. Alastor chuckled to himself, and kissed there heads. "My girls." he said, and let his head fall on top of Charlies, falling asleep.

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