|×|Chapter 1|×|

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3rd person
Atashi sat in the pet shop, in his cage, painfully isolated.

A vampire that goes by the name Jasper entered the shop, glancing at all the cages, he walked around Atashi's cage, eyes landing on the smaller male,

"Pretty little thing aren't you?" Jasper asked smiling wickedly.

"..." Atashi scooted to the back of his cage, pulling his knees up to his chest.

Jasper trailed his fingers over the bars and kneeled down to meet eye to eye with the boy, "Not much of a talker either. Good qualities." He raised an eyebrow "Can you talk though?"

Atashi decided to lie by shaking his head no.

Jasper smiled. "Great. Wouldn't want one that could. I wouldn't want any complaining." He tried to inspect Atashi closer but couldn't see much that he had cowered away. "Do you mind coming forward. I'd like to inspect you."

Atashi hesitantly moved forward a bit, he looked at the other male quickly before looking down, a sign of submission,

Jasper examined near every inch of the younger boy in front of him. Drinking the sight in. He took notice of him not facing him."Aww, why won't you even look at me?~ I won't bite." He flashed a grin, fangs n' all "You're a plaything, not a slave."

Atashi shivered at those words, Not wanting to be there, He continued to look down despite what the older male said,

Jasper's grin faded and shifted into a mild frown. Not a sincere one though. He hoped it would invoke something. "Well, have a name?" He said, knowing very well he could look 5 inches to the left and find it. What he really wanted was a reaction.

Atashi didn't react much, but he did just look over at the sign, he also pointed to it.

"Yeah, Yeah." Jasper rolled his eyes. "I saw. You know what I want and you're purposely not giving it." He smiled "But like I said, you are a pretty thing. Maybe I just will buy you." This was also a grab for a reaction. He just walked in on a whim.

Atashi put his knees up to his chest again and whimpered, he didn't want to talk, after all, he did 'say' he couldn't talk,

Jasper thoroughly enjoyed that reaction. His grin widened. "You wouldn't be a problem, right?"

Atashi bit his lip and hesitantly shook his head no.

Jasper nodded and walked away. For a while, it seemed like he was gone. But soon he was back with an employee who unlocked the cage and Jasper put a new collar on Atashi as well as a leash. "You're mine now." He said, there was glee in his voice. "C'mon. We'll be getting a few things for you." He gave the leash a light tug.

Atashi frowned and nodded

Jasper walked out into the crisp night air and began his way to another store just across the street. It had clothes. He led Atashi to the dress section. Sat down. "Pick one for yourself. I won't take no for an answer."

Atashi sighed and walked over to a black one, this continued until he stopped at one black dress.

"You like that one?" It was a question phrased as a statement. Jasper got up and glances at the price and decided. 'What's one more?' "Try it on. Show me how you look. Dressing rooms are over there." He pointed to the south.

Atashi nodded and walked to a dressing room with the dress in his hands, he came out. Minutes later with it on.

Jasper studied him. Grinning a little too fondly. "Alright we're buying that then you're seeing your new home." He paid, about 400 dollars less rich. It was a sizeable chunk of money he deemed worth it. "You look marvelous in that dress."

Atashi blushed a little and looked away from him

"Let's get a move in. Have you ever been in a car before?" Jasper asked. Then he realized something. "I haven't told you my name yet, have I? I'm Jasper, Jasper Esposito. Which I guess now that I own you you're now Atashi Esposito." He said this as he walked out of the store, to a car and he opened the passenger side door for Atashi

Atashi shook his head no as he hesitantly got in the car

Jasper got into the car as well, starting it up but not driving. "Alright, we have to set down a few rules. The first one is that if you try to strangle me you are not going to have a single drop of blood left in you by the time I'm done with you. //A/N this is explained later on in the story// The second is that you must follow my commands, and the third is that if you desperately need something" he looked Atashi up and down. "Do the best you can to tell me what you need. There will probably be more but those are the massive three. Do you understand?"

Atashi nodded and bit his lip anxiously,

Jasper looked him over once more and finally drove off. His house wasn't much far away. He stopped in front of it, got out, opened the passenger door, and yanked on Atashi's leash to get him out of the car. And looked up at the house, it was a big house, not a mansion or anything, just spacious. He looked down at Atashi. "Do you want to be kept inside or out?" He half-joked.

"..." Atashi pointed to the ground, which meant he wanted to be kept outside, on top of that he looked dead serious.

Jasper looked at Atashi in surprise. "You know I didn't buy you that dress just for you to get it dirty. I hope you're not actually being serious." He tugged lightly on the leash. "Let's go inside."

Atashi frowned and nodded, he then followed the older male inside,

The inside was quite ornate. Much like an old woman would decorate her house. He looked on the counter, where there were some decorative fruit, real none the less. Jasper grabbed an apple and tried handing it to Atashi. "Humans like fruit, no?"

Atashi nodded yes to the question, but didn't take the apple,

Jasper frowned, putting his free hand in his hip. "Are you not hungry, or just being rebellious?" He looked back at the bowl. "Or would you just prefer something else?"

Atashi shook his head no, he just didn't want to eat.

"Alright then.." Jasper said, "I guess I have to give you a tour." He led his pet into the kitchen, where he put the fruit back. It was perfectly cleaned. "Yeah. Kitchen. Have a bowl full of fruit. You have to ask if you want any or if we've run out. Fridge is full of blood, I guess I won't need that much more now that you're here." He said bluntly. "There's also water from the faucet, that you don't have to ask for. Just don't waste it."

Atashi nodded. "O-Ok..." He said softly and quietly, hoping the other male didn't hear him.

Jasper looked in Atashi's direction, studying him. Swearing he heard his pet say something but he decided it was stupid of him to think such a thing. He lead Atashi across the house, still on the first level. "Over there's my office. You aren't allowed in there. There's also the garage and bathroom down here. You can only go into the garage with permission..." He thought for a moment. "The bathroom as well. Unless I'm not home." The thought oddly delighted him.

Atashi nodded and rubbed his arm, he looked at the ground whenever Jasper wasn't speaking.

Jasper faced Atashi, forcing the boy to face him and look into his eyes. "I guess here's rule number four, when I'm talking to you, in between pauses or not you don't just look at the ground like a sullen puppy."

Atashi nodded and bit his lip as his eyes kept averting to the floor

Jasper let him go. "Alright. Upstairs then." He said as he stressed up the stairs, there were a few other rooms. "There's a bathroom, a guest bedroom, and a storage room. Along with mine, of course." He said, as he stepped into a room with no windows. "This is mine." He said as he placed down a few folded blankets and pillows next to his own bed. "You're sleeping there. Again, if you try to strangle me you're done for."

Atashi nodded, he looked a little frustrated that the other male thought he might strangle him.
And that's the end of this chapter. In the next chapter, you'll find out why Jasper keeps telling Atashi not to try and strangle him or he'll legit die. Well anyways, have a good night, afternoon, or morning lovelies!!
{1485 words!}
Author out!
Editor~Chan in~ (Hello beauties I'm back!~)

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