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"Sophie wake up!"
Eadaline called from downstairs. Sophie groaned sitting up.
She called to Edaline.
"We're going over to Everglen!"
Immediately a wave of anxiety hit her, and that caused a wave of nausea, therefore she ran to the bathroom to throw up.
"You ok?"
Edaline asked from the doorway.
She answered. Edaline didn't seem convinced but she left her alone anyways.
"By the way," Edaline called from the hallway. "be sure to dress like really warmly."

When they arrived at Everglen Sophie gasped. There was snow as deep as Grady's knees covering the entire property and the land beyond.
"I didn't know it snowed here."
She remarked.
"Only a few days a year. The last few years we kinda ignored it because of all the Neverssen stuff."
Sophie spun around to see Biana in the process of making a snow fort. Fitz was there to also but he was standing next to a mountain of snowballs. She gulped, it was either because of the mountain of snowballs or the fact that he was giving her a loving smile. A few minutes later the rest of her friends and their parents had shown up. They all went inside to Everglen's large living room and sat down. Della brought all of them a mug ciamecream. (Did I spell that right? I'm on vacation and don't have the book to reference.) After finishing their drinks an idea hit Sophie. She glanced out the window to a larger hill in the distance.
"Have you guys ever gone sledding before?"
She asked her fiends. They shook their heads. She pointed out the window towards the hill.
"Meet me there in 15 minutes. Della where's the kitchen?"
Della gave her a strange look before pointing to a door down the hall. Sophie raced into the kitchen and threw open the cupboard. After a few minutes she found 6 oversized cookie sheets and left the kitchen.
"Sophie what the hell are you doing with my cookie sheets?"
Della asked as she walked past.
Sophie yelled instead of answering as she ran out the front door.
When she arrived at the hill all her friends were waiting for her. She handed the each a sheet, well Tam and Dex had to share.
"Foster, can you please explain what the hell were doing?"
Keefe asked once the reached the top of the hill. She put her sheet down on the snow.
"Watch and learn."
She told them as she jumped onto the makeshift sled and took off down the hill.
The rest of them just watched their friend disappear over the edge of the hill. They all stood there in silence for a moment before Keefe, head first, jumped on his sheet and took off down the hill.
"This is lit!"
They heard him yell. The rest followed not long after. Sophie stoped at the bottom of the hill and looked behind her to see all of her friends sliding down behind her. Tam and Dex hit a tree. After several laps the group finally went back inside. Sophie handed Della her cookie sheets. One was dented, it had been the one that hit the tree. Della gave her a look.
"You're all staying for the sleepover right?"
Biana asked. Sophie looked at Grady and Edaline, the nodded. They all had dinner before the the adults left, leaving the children to themselves. Sophie once again stayed in her usual room, but they all hung out in Biana's room.
"Let's play truth or dare!"
Biana suggested.
"Oh no."
Pretty much everyone said.
"Tam! Truth or dare?"
She asked him.
"Um truth."
He said awkwardly.
"Who do you like?"
She said with a wicked grin. His mouth opened but no words came out.
He looked at the floor. He whispered something that no one but Keefe who was right next to him heard.
Keefe yelled. Tam bit his lip.
"I like...Dex."
Biana fell over backwards. Dex just looked at Tam with zero facial expression.
"Oooooooo, Tam I think you might be in luck."
Keefe said elbowing him.
Dex flushed red and muttered,
"Stupid emapaths."
"Well that's a lot to take in."
Biana said.
"Tam your trun."
Biana reminded him.
"Right, Keefe truth or dare?"
Keefe answered.
"Ok, are you a virgin?"
Keefe fell over backwards and Sophie began coughing. Everyone just looked at them totally confused.
"YES! Yes I am!"
Keefe said coming back to his senses. Sophie just smiled awkwardly.
"Well I think I've had enough for tonight."
Biana said.
The entire group said.

Sophie was sitting on her bed. The moon was full and the stars were reflected in the lake. She had just gotten up to pee, again. That had been happening a lot lately. She heard a knock on her door.
"Come in."
She said. Fitz walked in and sat down next to her.
"Can't sleep?"
He asked. She shook her head. She looked at him, she knew that if she wanted to end it, it was now or never.
"Fitz there's som-"
She was cut off him pressing his lips to hers.

The whole kiss felt wrong. There wasn't and love from her end, she felt no spark. She tried to pull away but he just held her tighter. She felt his hand reach down and start undoing her shirt. At this she tried to pull away with a lot more force but he wouldn't let go. She did the last thing she could think of, inflict. She let the knot of emotions under her ribs rip free. He fell back with a yelp. He lay on the floor clutching his head in pain while she tried to get her breath back. The door burst open and Dex, Tam and Biana came in to see what had woken them up. Their eyes went from Fitz lying on the floor in pain to Sophie who had her shirt half undone and fear in her eyes. They immediately knew what had happened, or what Fitz had tried to do and obviously failed. Fitz slowly sat up, recovering for being inflicted on. His eyes locked with hers.
"Sophie I'm so sorry."
He said.
"Just get out!"
She snapped at him. He looked at her before slowly getting up and leaving the room. Biana Dex and Tam just stood there in the doorway processing what just went down. Biana soon grabbed the boys and dragged them out of the room. She sat there for a moment before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Keefe.
"I heard about what just happed." He whispered sitting down next to her.
She looked into his eyes before leaning in and kissing him.
When they pulled away he smiled at her.
"Will you stay here tonight Keefe?"
She asked him.
He nodded hugging her again. With that she closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

1184 words! This was a special chapter so my others will probably be normal length from now on.😂
And as of writing this I have 10 reads 😱! I honestly didn't even think I would get 2! Thank you all so much for reading, you're amazing!

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