Chapter 12

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The Duke of Weselton entered the sketchy bar.

Used to finery and the austere surroundings deserving of his rank, the bar might as well have been on a another planet. Men of ill repute were scattered throughout the establishment, and all eyes turned to him as he made his way to a stool beside the bar.

The Duke cleared his throat. "Uh, excuse me. Yes, you - the gentleman in the eye patch. I'll have one gin and tonic, extra dry, please. Shaken and not stirred."

The large, gruff bartender behind the bar spat into the glass he was holding and rubbed it vigorously with a dirty barcloth. He glared at the Duke threateningly, causing him to gulp.

"Ah....on second thought, better make it a straight glass of water."

The bartender obliged, and handed him his order, then went back to his business.

The Duke sipped his drink gingerly, eyeing his surroundings and willing his diminutive form to take up as little real estate as possible on his barstool.

He would never had set foot in this place had it not been for the cryptic message he received. Someone had knowledge of his thoughts of treason, and was willing to spread the word had he not agreed to a meeting. And so here he was, and yet every second that passed was a second where he feared for his life.

"Duke of Weasel Town?" asked a voice.

In his peripheral vision, the Duke spotted a cloaked figure at the end of the bar, drinking some amber liquid from a glass. He straightened and looked at the stranger, indignant. "That's Weselton. Are you the one who summoned me here?"

The cloaked figure took a long sip from his glass. "Perhaps."

The Duke frowned. "Well, I'll have you know that I'm a busy man and respected individual, and have no time for your baseless, idle threats! I demand that you reveal yourself to me and explain yourself for dragging me to this cesspit. offense."

The bartender rolled his eyes and grumbled something incoherently, turning away from the Duke.

"Well?" said the Duke. "What's it going to be?"

There was silence between the two of them. Finally, the cloaked figure finished his drink and lowered his cloak, revealing his identity.

The Duke stood up from his chair and gasped. "I-it's you!"

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles grinned benevolently and nodded. "Hello, Duke. Long time no see."

"Preposterous! If I had known I was being antagonized by the Black Sheep of the Southern Isles....this meeting is over!"

As the Duke stood up from his chair and made his way for the exit, Hans followed close behind. "Wait! You haven't even heard why I've called you here!"

"Blackmail, no doubt!"

Hans caught up with the Duke and spun him around. "That was just a ploy to get you out here to talk with me! Will you just listen for a minute?"

The Duke avoided Hans' eyes. "Why on Earth should I listen to you? You've been excommunicated from the Royal Family! As far as I'm concerned, you're no better than the ruffians that infest this bar! offense."

The "ruffian" patrons of the bar grumbled their displeasure at the sweeping statement.

"Can I speak to you in private for a second?" Hans said through gritted teeth. He dragged the Duke to a secluded corner of the bar away from prying eyes.

"Unhand me!" demanded the Duke. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"It may interest you to know, Duke-y," said Hans, "That the kingdom of Arendelle has recently been left defenseless."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...that their little Ice Witch is gone. The sister as well."

Upon hearing this, the Duke finally stopped resisting, and looked at Hans earnestly. "...You don't say...?"

"I have it on good authority that it's just that incompetent moose-herder acting as de facto ruler. They have soldiers, but they're weak and inexperienced in actual combat."

The Duke looked downward, considering Hans' words. "What do you want from me?"

"Your military might, naturally. Lend me your army. Together we can stage a coup on Arendelle, and get it back in the rightful hands of men. So what do you say....partner?"

Hans outstretched his hand. The Duke of Weselton looked at his hand, then chuckled malevolently.

"I must say, Prince Hans: for a black sheep, you certainly know how to drive a hard bargain."

He grabbed Hans' outstretched hand, squeezing firmly and with conviction.

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