Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I wake the next morning to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I hear my dad and my sister awake already getting ready for their day. I walk into my bathroom and plug in my curling iron to let it heat up. As I run my fingers through my hair, I feel it's still wet from my shower last night. When I'm finished blow drying my hair the rest of the way, I pick out my outfit for today, and then I remember that I'm supposed to go to Josh's. 'Something I think is presentable,' hmmm. I dig into my closet and come out with a maroon hoodie, my black pair of high top sneakers, an oldish pair of light colored ripped jeans, and one of my favorite black beanies. I pull on my jeans and fish a white, long sleeved shirt from my drawer. I pull it on and tuck the bottom of it into my jeans before I lace a black leather belt through my belt loops. 

After I put light waves in my hair and brush my teeth, I put on a little bit of make-up, making my cheeks a light pink and my eyelids a dark grey to compliment my long dark lashes. I pull my hat on so it seems like it hugs my head. I slide on my sneakers and my hoodie and grabbing my backpack, I make my way out of the house and to my car. ( I start the Beetle, I should really name it, I put my sunglasses on and pull out of the driveway. When I'm a couple blocks away, I call Josh, but he doesn't answer, and then I remember he's probably still sleeping. 

When I pull into his driveway I leave my backpack in the back of the car and, out of excitement, speed walk to the front door. I quietly unlock the door and sneak into the house but am stopped dead in my tracks when Josh comes running down the hallway with a wooden baseball bat raised over his head. Before he reaches me I whip off my sunglasses and start screaming at him, "Josh! It's me! It's Molly!" He stops and lowers the bat. He's panting like he just ran a marathon. 

"Jesus, Molly! You scared the hell of me!" he says between breaths. It's now that I realize he's in his boxers and nothing else. I start laughing and he soon follows. "How come you didn't call first? Or yell out to me that it was you coming in?"

"Well I assumed you'd still be sleeping, I was hoping I could find a cute way to wake you up. And I did call you, you never answered."

"No, I knew you'd be over here early so I got up early."

"Why are you in your underwear?" I ask him.

"Just because I woke up for you doesn't mean that I'm gonna get dressed for you too." He  smirks.

"I'm okay with that. Until we leave, then you have to put some clothes on. But for now," I move so I'm standing just a couple inches away from him, "You can stay just as you are." I whisper and I kiss him, hard. His hands move to the small of my back and he pulls me up against him. I set my hands on his biceps and he continues to kiss me. I move my hands to his toned chest and rest them there, I sneak my tongue forward and am surprised when his lips part to invite me in. We stand there for a few minutes, just like that, making out in the middle of his living room. I feel his hands move down my back to rest on my bottom. I take this opportunity to move my hands also, and my fingers hook into the waist band of his boxers before he stops me. I go to move my hands back to his waist band, and he pulls his lips from mine. In attempt to not break the kiss, I rise up on my toes, but it's not enough. I give up and put my hands on my hips as I step away from him. "I thought you said you wanted me for your birthday."

"I did," He says, "But not just yet."

"You always say that and I never know what it means," I frown at him.

"Never mind that, how about you pick out something for me to wear and I'll jump in the shower."

I nod and he disappears into the bathroom, only shutting the door half way behind him. When I hear the shower running I walk into his bedroom and into the closet. My dress is still safe in the back. He has so many clothes. When I emerge from the closet I'm holding a pair of dark blue, straight legged jeans and three different shirts. One plaid, one plain black, and one white. I decide to let him pick weather he wants to wear the black or white shirt under the plaid one. I'm deep in my own thoughts when I hear Josh singing quietly in the bathroom. I love hearing him sing. I recognize the song and I start to softly sing along as I turn on my heels and go back into the closet to search for a pair of shoes. I find a pair that look very similar to the pair that I'm wearing. When I come back out I find Josh lying sideways on the bed in only his towel. He looks at me and smiles. "Don't stop, I love hearing you sing." He tells me as I set the shoes by his feet.

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