Chapter 7

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 I leap out of Bryson's bed and start looking for my shoes. When i find them i hastily put them on and am about to leave when i just sit down and start to hypervenalate.

     "Whoa! Hey! It's ok,"Bryson says and climbs out of bed. He squats beside me and rubs my back.

 "Don't touch me,"I cry, but he ignores me.

     "Nothing happened, i promise,"he says and i shake my head.

  "I don't know that though,"I say between my tears and i feel a hint of embarrasment for crying in front of him and feel stupid because i know he will probably go and tell all his friends and the entire football team what we did and i don't even know what we did.

      "You'll just have to take my word for it,"he says calmly and i glare at him.

 "Why are you being so nice to me?"I snap and he smirkss.

     "Calm down there, babe,"he soothes and i feel the urge to punch him.

 "Don't call me that!" I yell.

 "Chill,"he says and i swat his hands away from me.

     "Please, just let me leave,"I say quietly and he gestures towards the door.

 "No one is stopping you," he point out and i glare at him again.

     "You're an a...."I begin, but he cuts me off by handing me a phone.

 "Here, call Max to come and pick you up," he says.

   I pick up the phone and call Max.

 "What?! What in the world could be so important that you had to wake me up this freaking early?"He screams.

     "Max? It's Aya,"I say and hee stops.

 "Oh, i thought it was Bryson. Caller ID,"he explains.

  "Can you come and pick me up?"I whisper.

 "Sure thing, sweetheart. Where are you?"He asks.

     "At Bryson's,"I say and he starts choking.

 "You.. WHAT?!" He practically yells at the top of his lungs.

     "You said you had caller ID. Why are you so surprised?"I ask.

   "Well because i thought you just stole his phone and not that you spent the night there,"he screams again.

     "It's your fault. Apparently you put rum in my pop and then you left me here,"I explain.

 "Well... I don''t... Yeah probably, that sounds like somthing i would do,"he says finally.

     "So are you coming or not?"I ask impatiantly.

 "Yeah, course,"he says and hangs up.

     I look over at Bryson to see him watching game film on his TV.

 "Why are you doing that?"I ask.

    "Well, i am captain,"he says with a smirk and just like that he is back to his jerk self.

 "I realized tthat, i meant why are you doing it already? The games not for a couple days,"I say and he looks at me like i am crazy.

     "It's tonight,"he says..

 "What?!"I gasp.

    "Yeah, our school does this great thing where we get Friday's off and yesterday was Thursday,"he says sarcastically and i scowl at him.

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